Monday 30 November 2020

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 30th November

Well it's over now - he's gone. It's sad that he's departed, but really, it went on for too long and I think we were all sick of him in the end. But enough about Sergei the Meerkat, there's also the fallout from Oliver's death on Friday. Leanne has gone through bargaining, anger and denial but Steve is in the depression phase of grief and has taken to his bed whilst Leanne takes all that manic energy she was going to use to carry on battling for Oliver into organising his funeral, or celebration of Oliver's life she is insisting on calling it. She tells Nick that she wants him to be part of his Oliver's day but after that, it's over between then. She knows it's Nick's flat, right?

Meanwhile, in other stories coming to a head, Sally changes her mind about selling number 4. Fay(e), in her new role as trainee manager (which seems to mostly involve wiping tables), tells Ray this and he organises a discount off of a place in Hale Barnes that Sally gets over-excited about (I didn't realise Hale Barnes was a real place; I thought it was imaginary like Oakhill or Barnsley). Detective Abi smells a rat, although she doesn't smell Debbie and end up telling the fifth columnist that she thinks Rotten Ray wants to buy up all the houses on (one side of) the street. Well, that's more than Constable Tinker has worked out, even with Ray's plans in black and white in front of him. Abi sneaks into Ray's office and finds an invoice for planning application services and so she gets Sally to ring Miriam at the council and finds out that a pre-planning application has been put in. I'm pretty sure that you have to notify people if you're going to knock their houses down, but maybe Weatherfield Council have outsourced their planning department to Serco, or something.

Not content with demolishing the street, Ray hasn't done his best Harvey Weinstein impression for a while, so he persuades Faye up to his hotel room for a "wine tasting", greets her in his bath robe and basically tells her if she wants to carry on with the trainee managership, she should join him in the bath and then tries to dress it up as "women's lib". Yuck. Faye is supposed to be about 17 isn't she? Which makes it even more horrible.

Imran visits Yasmeen to tell her that Posh Paula has signed off work for three months and he's found another barrister, but he needs more time to prepare. Yasmeen says she needs to do the trial before the 60th anniversary now and tells Imran that he has to be her barrister. The jobbing actors of Manchester who can do a middle class accent and look good in a suit sigh into their beer at a two episode arc missed. Geoff sees an opportunity to get rid of a witness for the defence and winds Tim up, saying he knew that his son would never amount to anything. Well, not if you don't teach him to read, no. Tim socially distancedly punches his dad which leads to Tim being dismissed as a witness. In more bad news, Elaine has been found, but she's in a psychiatric unit. So witnesses are now down to Alya, who isn't very jury-friendly.

And finally, Daisy helps Jenny with a make over and a Tinder profile. I hear Dev is free? Before she can get her profile set up, Johnny comes back from the cop shop, saying that he'll be up in court in three weeks. He also tells Jenny that he loves her and he wanted to save her from a being a prison wife, and they make up.

Oh and there's some guff about Shona buying a dinosaur cake for Nick and Leanne, but really I've lost patience with this storyline. 

Also, tattie scones is correct if they're square or oblong, potato cakes if they're round. That's just the law.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Huge thanks, Rachel. This is how reviews should be written, as reviews not synopsises ! What I want to know is. 1. Is that rotten Ray’s real voice, or one he’s been allocated by the director ? 2. I realise the problems acknowledging the pandemic, but they really are having problems with masks, which seem to be on and off at complete random! And 3. The huge sink hole appeared back in the summer and has never been seen again. You’d think at least brain-damaged Shona might have fallen into it to remind us it’s still there.

  2. Did anyone else catch that moment when Sally did a quick Hyacinth Bucket saying they could get a retractable roof over the swimming pool? Hilarious! I couldn’t stop laughing.

  3. Oliver's version of the condition had to be terminal otherwise Corrie would need to recast the role as he grew up and became more disabled. It would have been a more compelling story but too difficult and possibly too tragic. Ray's new development is fun to watch but totally unrealistic. It's a major development by a private company which would make people homeless and jobless. How would that ever get planning permission? Even more unbelievable is Debbie's involvement. A previous interview with the actress said that the character's heart was in the right place and she thought she was doing the residents a favour. Yup, okay ...

  4. I cannot wait until Gary finds out about Ray and Faye. Remember how he supported his mom after Phelan made her sleep with him? Remember how he was protective of Bethany in the grooming storyline. Well! Faye is his little sister....Raye has just written his own death warrant.
    Signed anonymous Gary Fan lol

  5. dhvinyl - I too wondered if the 'Ray' voice and accent, played by Mark Frost was specially developed for the show. It seemed a bit over the top and 'evil bad guy' to be his real every day voice. I searched around and found a lovely resource called Sue Terry Voices (google it and put Mark's name in the search at the site). It's got a lovely collection of audio (downloadable clips) work he's done. He's very versatile!
