Tuesday 27 October 2020

Sue Devaney interview: Debbie vs Abi

Describe the relationship between Abi and Debbie prior to this week. 

Debbie is very similar to Abi in a lot of ways; they are very clever women and they can suss out when something is not right. Debbie knows that Abi is on her case but she is telling her nothing and Debbie thinks that because she has come from a business background that she is one step ahead of everybody but actually, I don’t think she is with Abi. Abi is on to her like a rottweiler with a bone so Debbie is trying to do things very gently but you can see that she is up to something. 

What are her first thoughts when Abi starts asking questions and making accusations about Debbie’s job?

Debbie thinks, “Hang on a minute, I thought you were on my side?” Debbie was happy to protect Abi when Kevin thought there was something going on and she really stood by her so Debbie thinks, “Whatever you think about me, keep your nose out of my business!” 

Talk us through the garden party No.4. When Debbie makes this suggestion to Sally, what is she planning?

Yes, she has got something up her sleeve and all will be revealed this week. Debbie is making herself at home and she knows how to press people’s buttons. Debbie is very good at finding people’s Achilles heel and then she goes for the jugular. When she eggs Tim on to drench his dad with the ice bucket, it’s all about causing fractions. She finds people’s weakness and she plays on it so she can manipulate people.  

Debbie’s meddling causes Geoff to lose it and he comes over to the garden party wielding a spade. Is Debbie satisfied watching this play out or is she aware of the damage she is causing between families? 

Bloomin ‘eck, no she didn’t know Geoff was that bad! Debbie knows he is a bit of a nasty one and Debbie actually goes round to his house and lies to him that Sally has been slagging him off. This sets him off and he comes to the garden party wielding a spade, about to do some serious damage. I don’t think Debbie would have gone round to Geoff’s if she knew the half of it! But she is thinking about herself and she is going to do what she wants to do. When she sees him going doolally, she didn’t think he would get that angry! 

Tell us what those scenes were like to play.

We had such a lovely time because it was bright sunshine for two days. It was nice and warm and it was lovely to work with Sally Dynevor. I’ve known Sally for years and it was wonderful to have scenes with her. 

Are there any similarities between you and Debbie?

I think she has got a cracking sense of humour. The one thing I think I have in common with Debbie is that we tell it like it is and I think that’s from my working class roots; what you see is what you get. The business side of Debbie is not like me at all so it’s quite nice to play someone like that. I wouldn’t even dare enter someone’s house like Debbie does to Sally’s and make myself at home unless I was invited! Debbie is so brazen. 

Do you enjoy playing a character that is so different from how you are in real life?

I absolutely love it, it’s a gift. The whole process of arriving at the studios, setting my dressing room up, putting all my makeup out is just wonderful and it’s lovely to put Debbie’s face on and Debbie’s outfits on because that is not like me at all normally. Once I put Debbie’s high shoes on I think, “Right, I’ve got her, she’s here!” 

What do your friends think of Debbie?

My friends love her! I am such a tomboy and I wear dungarees with no makeup so a good friend of mine always says, “I love it when you play glamorous roles because that’s how you should dress normally!”

This week Debbie's ulterior motives will be revealed. How would you describe Debbie in a sentence?

She’s cut-throat with a heart. Nobody is ever black and white and the majority of people are nice but they have their own interests at heart so they do stuff to suit them. 

Is Abi a match for Debbie?

Abi is certainly a match for Debbie with how straight talking and upfront she is but Debbie has other things up her sleeve. Debbie has got her Ace card to play yet and she is keeping it very firmly up her sleeve. 

We can't reveal what she is up to yet but is this mischievous, meddling side of Debbie something that the viewers will see more of?

Definitely, it’s not all come out in the wash just yet. There’s a lot more to be seen before we get to the bottom of Debbie Webster! 

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  1. Oh. I thought Debbie was just going to be a strong independent woman. I didn't suspect a dark side. That's a shame.

  2. My money is still that she is working with Ray Crosby. She want to develop - why the secrecy about her work, and egging Sally to leave?
