Friday 30 October 2020

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 30 October

Evening Corrie fans, it’s Kelly here with your Friday night review.

In the Rovers, Jenny momentarily relaxes the Bradley death stare long enough to tell Johnny that she’s prepared to give him another chance, as long as he’s told her everything. He says he doesn’t deserve her (well we all know that), but fails to mention the security guard he ran over. Like a soldier in war movie showing everyone pictures of his sweetheart, Jenny says that Scott will be gone soon and it will all be over. Which means we’re guaranteed a pub shoot-out within the hour! 

Lo and behold Scott turns up in the Rovers 10 minutes later carrying a suspicious-looking bag and asking for Johnny. He only finds Emma who tells him Johnny is indisposed like a Victorian lady. But then Jenny appears from the back, death-stare fully operational, and tells him that she knows everything. He asks her if she knows about the guard and gloats when he sees that Johnny has kept something from her yet again. 

Unfortunately for both of them, Emma overhears everything. When Scott’s back is turned, she looks inside his bag. Realising she’s seen the gun and must know that it was him who shot Craig, he offers to buy her silence by contributing £5k to Oliver’s fund. £5k? How much did he steal from Ray? I though he only robbed a poker game between two Northern middle-aged men but if he’s got £5k to chuck around then clearly Ray’s poker partner was a member of the Getty family. Anyway, Emma takes the money and immediately gives it to Steve for his legal fund. Does that make her an accomplice? 

Over in the café Toyah tells Evelyn that she saw Arthur in the neurology department at the hospital looking very sorry for himself. Evelyn immediately assumes that he’s ill and goes to find him to tell him she’ll support him. He confesses that it’s his wife Beryl who’s in hospital. She had a stroke four years ago and now barely recognises him. He tells her that he wishes it could have been different but feeling like a fool Evelyn wishes him the best and walks away with dignity. Back at the café she confides in Roy and they bond over scrabble and a vegetarian paella. Something I could have happily watched for the whole show.

At Speed Daal, Alya overhears Geoff on the phone calling someone darling. Convinced that he’s lining up his next victim and that the woman needs to be warned, she decides to follow him. As we all know Alya is about as subtle as shark in a bathtub, so when she sees Geoff going into the Bistro she immediately bursts in shouting accusations. His ‘date’ turns out to be Doris, an elderly hospital radio fan who thinks he’s a treasure. 

In the time it takes Alya to walk back to Speed Daal, a police officer turns up and warns her that Geoff has accused her of harassment but that they won’t take the matter further as long as she keeps her distance. Well, well it turns out Craigy isn’t the only policeman in Weatherfield and the rival officer clearly has the use of a teleporter since she can arrive on the scene within seconds. I’d pull your socks up if I were you PC Tinker!  

With Alya warned off, we see Geoff meeting a new woman called Christine, and splashing the cash. Even with his superficial charm I’m struggling to see what these women could possibly see in him. I know love is blind but I didn’t know it was deaf and mad too!  

In other news, Abi wonders why Debbie is bunking up with them when she allegedly has a plush villa in Turkey. Debbie tells them her business venture is taking longer than expected and she’ll be staying for a while longer. Hmm business deal eh? Could she be ‘Roxy’, the as yet unseen partner-in-crime of dodgy Ray?

Back at the Rovers, Jenny finds a note from Johnny saying he’s gone to the police. She phones him frantically just as Scott turns up and threatens her with a gun (how dare you man!) Grabbing the phone, he tells Johnny he needs to come back to the pub if her wants Jenny to live to her next birthday. Johnny rushes back and tries to reason with Scott but when police sirens are heard outside it seems pretty clear the game is up! Scott drifts into a bit of a Butch and Sundance fantasy, saying they should all go down together in a blaze of glory (is it me or did it feel like he had a bit of a crush on Johnny?), but then for some reason he just decides to give in, throw the gun away and walk out the front door where he’s immediately arrested. As the police handcuff him, he shouts at Johnny that he will tell them everything.  So, it looks like the court set is going to get another turn then.

And that’s it for this week. If you’re as horrified as me that anyone would dare to threaten the divine Ms Bradley/Connor let me know in the comments or on twitter @mskelstar

If you liked my Corrie mutterings check out my song writing: 
Happy Halloween mwahahahah! 

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. deaf people can see how horrible Geoff are, because most of the time we are very good with reading body language. And if we do not understand him, how can we be turn on by his charm ;)

  2. The Weatherfield police don’t do subtle do they? Why didn’t they just sneak into the pub behind Johnny instead of heralding their arrival with sirens blaring?

  3. @Jan...That is exactly what I was expecting to happen! X
