Friday 11 September 2020

Preview of tonight's HOUR-LONG Coronation Street - Fri 11 Sep

Friday Sept 11th  (1 hour episode)

DAVID HAS A ‘HOLE’ LOT OF PROBLEMS When David discovers from Nina that Shona is planning to leave because she thinks he hates her he decides to arrange a BBQ to persuade her to stay. Shona and Nina join David, Sarah, Sally and Lily for the barbecue. Suddenly there’s an almighty crash and a huge crater appears in the middle of the garden. Everyone gazes into the hole, completely stunned. Colin the engineer from the water company surveys the hole and  breaks the news to David that as a result of the sinkhole, the house is unstable and he’ll have to find somewhere else to live. Shona is excited when Ray offers to put them all up at one of his hotels.

TIM IS ON A MISSION A heartbroken Tim is worried for Elaine’s safety and resolves to track her down. Having spotted Tim, Geoff hurries over. Tim returns from Bolton and tells Sally, Alya and Imran that there was no sign of Elaine and judging by the pile of post on the mat, she’s not been there for a while. Tim tells Alya how sorry he is for failing to see that she was right about Geoff all along.

NICK BUMPS INTO A FACE FROM THE PAST As Nick, Leanne and Steve make preparations for their holiday in Cornwall, they’re interrupted by the sound of Oliver’s seizure alarm, meaning a trip to the hospital. As Nick and Steve wait in the hospital corridor, they’re taken aback when Nick’s ex, Natasha approaches. When Nick reveals that he’s waiting for news of his stepson, Natasha says she is there for a dermatology appointment. Later, the doctor breaks the news to Nick, Leanne and Steve that Oliver’s been moved to intensive care and put on life support. Whilst Leanne remains adamant that he’ll pull through, Nick and Steve don’t share her optimism.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. I thought Bolton was in total lockdown??!! Now Tim will be infecting the whole of the Street with the dreaded lurgy .

    1. It is. I know, I work there, but not everyone in Bolton has tested positive

  2. Also this was filmed weeks ago. They're not wearing masks in the shops, either. Real life moves faster than fiction.

  3. Well we saw that coming a mile off didn't we? Nick's kid exists after all. How many times has this been done? Susan and Adam spring to mind but I'm sure there are more.

    Also, Ray and the Platts back garden, what is that about?!!

    1. David phones the water company, and then Ray's dodgy mate turns up in an unmarked van and unbranded uniform claiming to be from the water company. What happens when the real water company man gets there? More holes than... Well, you know.
