Tuesday 18 August 2020

Daniel Brocklebank interview: Billy and the return of Todd

How does Billy feel about the possibility that Todd is in Weatherfield?

I think he’s angry, but then on some level, relieved that he’s ok. More so for Eileen for Billy’s sake because it’s her son. Billy wants to get to the bottom of this for Eileen as she is still away visiting Jason. Billy has moved on, he’s with Paul now and Paul has moved in and they are a little family with Summer. So, for Eileen’s sake Billy is relieved but still very angry at Todd for leaving them all in the way that he did, and for everything he put Summer through. And even now Todd is playing games, or so it seems, why send a letter, why not just come and see them.

Does he support Sean’s efforts to find Todd?

Not initially. He’s reluctantly dragged into the situation. Honesty is always the best policy for Billy, he tries to do the right thing, even though he often messes up. The stake out with Sean, Billy and Mary waiting to see if Todd turns up was hilarious. We had so much fun shooting it, I hope it’s as funny on screen.

Do you like the partnership of Mary and Todd?

I love working with Patti Clare. We have the best time together, we both agree that we think Todd and Mary would be great friends. We are hoping the writers pick up on that and we have more scenes together.  What I also love about this storyline is that it has me doing more scenes back at the Grimshaws with Antony and Patti and then more recently with Sue who I also love working with.

How does Billy feel when they see on the missing persons website that a body has been found in the canal?

It’s terrifying when they are scouring the website for info and see that a body has been found in the canal, particularly as some personal effects of Todd’s were found near the canal. You can play a line a million ways, but I chose to make it quite obvious that regardless of the history, Billy still cares deeply for him, even if it’s not romantic.

What is Paul’s reaction to finding out that Billy is looking for Todd?

Paul trusts Billy and Billy is a very trustworthy fellow. I don’t think Paul’s concerned on a romantic level. Billy is very honest with him, he tells Paul that he’s doing this for Eileen, that he doesn’t want Todd back for himself or to rekindle anything. He’s purely doing it for Eileen’s piece of mind. Whether he will regret that when Todd is found remains to be seen.

What do you think will happen when Billy and Todd come face-to-face?

It’s always horrible when you run into an ex, never pleasant for anyone. It’s a mixed bag of emotions and realistically he’ll want answers. Once they’ve established that he’s alright, Billy is going to want to know what the bloody hell has been going on!

Are you pleased they are bringing the character of Todd back?

I’m so excited that Todd is coming back. It feels very unfinished from Billy’s perspective. Billy’s still unaware as to why Todd up and left in the first place, so I’m assuming that Billy has got a lot of questions for him. I was involved in the casting process which was brilliant as it is important that the same level of chemistry is there between Billy and Todd that there always was. I was thrilled that they chose Gareth as both Sue and I felt he really brought such a lot to the character. All the actors in the final screen test were great but Gareth felt like Todd.

Are you happy to be back at Coronation Street?

It’s just so good to be back. Corrie is such a brilliant place to work, we all get on so well and  we’d missed each other so much. Being able to be together face-to-face was fantastic, even though we are still at a distance. To be working as well has been a thrill. To come back from that and to be back to such an exciting storyline. I’ve spent the entire of lockdown alone and going out of my mind, so it’s a joy to be back.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. Billy is so trustworthy he cheated on Sean with Todd. Ha ha

  2. Wouldn't Todd be arrested if he came back?
