Thursday 9 July 2020

Coronation Street Episode Review; Weds 08th July 7.30 pm

I must admit to being gripped during Monday night's episode of Corrie. With the drama ranked up to 100%, we saw Sally's discovery of Geoff's magic box trick lead to a prison visit to see Yasmeen and Tim overhearing That argument, what a cliffhanger! 
Meanwhile, Leanne continuing to project her grief on to (an equally stricken) Toyah was heartbreaking yet exquisitely acted. Confronting Leanne, Nick explains how hard things must be for childless Toyah. Even as an emotional punchbag, Toyah still manages to give Nick a leaflet about a counselling service that could help her sister. Will Leanne see sense and seek help?

It's also testing family times for Geoff and Tim. With Sally’s loyalties slowly dividing, and let's be honest he’s not the brightest of men, so will Tim see through his father's nefarious ways or get the grumps on with his wife? Divulging Yasmeen’s truth’s, Tim is taken aback at Sally and Geoff’s standoff and asks his father to leave. How can coercive genius Geoff get back in control? Tim meanwhile, seeks faith from daughter Faye, and it's obvious that he still sees no wrong in his Dad - maybe with a subtle hint of ambiguity? 

Roy and Evelyn's friendship is one of those rare platonic things that we rarely see on the street between the opposite sexes, right? With the Rochdale canal trip cancelled, Roy realises that he may have been playing the third wheel and encroaching on Evelyn’s date (although she doth protest too much, I think) Erring on the side of caution, Roy’s wise words certainly hit home, so is there more to Evelyn and Arthur’s shared past that us viewers are yet to discover? I mean, with Evelyn now a strong cobbles character, do we expect her backstory to be delved into a little deeper? I’m probably overthinking but that's my Corrie brain for ya. Taking the plunge, Evelyn arranges another date with Arthur, so I guess time will tell...

It wasn’t that long ago either that Ed and Micheal were battling that bistro boss over racist slurs, so why he’d give them any more business, I've no idea. Taking Grace to dinner, Micheal admits he wants to be a proper couple (like they used to be in the past) and a strong parental unit to Tianna, so what's changed for these two? It seems Aggie doesn't like Grace, that's what. I wonder what happened to Micheal’s crazy ‘get rich quick’ schemes, tiny unicorn parties, and comedy banter? I miss that about his character if I'm honest. 

Staying true to his character traits, however, Geoff decides that he needs a prison visit to see Yasmeen too, only to have his plan squashed. What now? 

With Nick and Imran's words heading home. Leanne takes time to apologise to Simon and admits to struggling with Oliver’s condition, which although harsh, I think she’s every right to be if I'm honest. I guess she will take the counselling offered to help her cause. Surely Steve will join it with her, too? 

Another load of top Corrie drama tonight - what did you think? 

I am @rybazoxo your {self-styled} ‘cobbles connoisseur’ give us a follow on twitter!

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  1. I did look a bit odd in the socially distanced scenes when Nick didn’t physically comfort Leanne and when Leanne didn’t hug Simon, but I suppose that is something I will have to get used to.

  2. Yeah I agree, I find myself the most engaged I've been with the show in a long time. I might not always like Leanne as a character but the actress is superb. I like how Oliver's illness impacts so many characters and spurs a lot of different storylines. And it's good to see Geoff's storyline finally gaining some momentum and (hopefully) coming to a head. And all this was balanced out by the comedic brilliance of Maureen Lipman. Good week so far!

  3. The Baileys don't work for me because their family dramas concern people away from the Street eg: Grace. New Corrie families need an existing family to draw us in. Might have been better if the Bailey offspring were brother and sister. On the extremely bright side, the scene between Tim and Faye was superb in every respect. You could see that Tim was trying to convince himself his father was a top man. We saw Faye, as a teenager, idolising her grandad. Tim remembered how, as a child, he idolised his dad. But there was a flicker of awareness to suggest Tim was now seeing his father through adult eyes.

  4. Roy didn’t realise he was playing gooseberry until Nina pointed it out to him.

  5. I am enjoying the shorter Corrie version if I'm honest. Flows better, doesn't feel too rushed and cliffhangers actually work! Its interesting because we are starting to see "coronavirus" corrie now and for this film nerd its fun to see the continuity issues. I love it!

    I also feel the acting of late has been top notch. Leanne, Sally, Tim, Geoff, Yasmeen, Steve, Roy and Evelyn to name but a few. The scenes with Roy and Evelyn are always entertaining!!

  6. I paused when a shot of Geoff's laptop came up and he still has the cctv icon on his desktop. Could there still be a chance the deleted footage could be discovered in the trash?

  7. What exactly is Grace's problem with Michael? Is the baby the result of a one night stand? She always seems angry and demanding. I'm with Aggie, Michael needs to pay proper child support and arrange visitation. Why does Grace get to call the shots?

  8. I picked up on the virus-conditioned filming for the first time on Wednesday which added an extra dimension to my viewing. I‘m also really hoping they stick to three episodes a week and concentrate on fewer characters and story lines....and there some great ones right now, the end of Geoff, the end of Oliver, Roy and his wonderful Goth niece. Just want the terminal end of Gary Windass and the triumphant return to centre stage of Carla and all will be well !
