Saturday 20 June 2020

Coronation Street Episode review Friday 19 June 2020

The Corrie wikipedia lists Carla as being of no fixed abode between 12 April 2019 and 17 May 2019 so for the benefit of those with short memories she had a mental breakdown and had hallucinations of Rana and Hayley although we were promised her missing time would eventually be revisited.  Two characters from that period arrive threatening blackmail - either she pays up or they tell Peter of her "behaviour".  When they turn up again Carla makes a decision and sounds the bell to quieten the pub before telling everyone the events of last year (above) and that she is being blackmailed.  Scott and Abi remove Jordan and Chelsy from the Rovers.

Daniel can hardly believe his luck.  A solicitor who likes his hair and compares it to a human Belisha Beacon (flashing yellow?).  She accepts a drink or two - when they can get served and lets him ramble on about the mysteries of single fatherhood and the wonderful baby Bertie and she so feels his pain she feel his leg as well!  Daniel accepts her offer of going somewhere quieter for a further discussion and texts the (unnamed) baby sitter.  Outside the reception Nicky makes clear her terms - the rooms here are quite nice and she only wants a hundred and fifty an hour for her time.  Daniel finally grasps how she goes about soliciting and makes it clear that he was not after that, giving her the £40 he has in his pocket (can't he afford a wallet?), before departing, entirely embarrassed as he thought he had "pulled".

Alya spends the episode seeking to convince Imran that they need to talk to Sally as she is clearly not supporting Geoff.  They appear to sit in the Rovers watching the Metcalfe family kick off at each other (Faye has thrown her lot in with Geoff and moved in with him) without a drink in front of them (above) - Carla is unaware that people need drinks!  Imran is convinced that Sally may be able to help.

And in a minor story David is trying to prepare mentally for the return of Shona to the Street - like how to ask for egg and chips in the caff.  He pops some stuff round to Roy's to help remind Shona of her previous history.  Then he has a talk with Max, his main question is if she is still called Shona (above)!  Max then says that he will make her a playlist of her favourite songs.  We do not see Shona but Roy later reports her arrival and that she has embarked on a deep clean of the flat.

The episode ends with Peter returning in the early hours of the morning with a pizza and in the background there is a radio report of two people - a man and a woman - who have had a severe beating.  Carla and Peter eat a pizza and he tells her that he loves her especially after today.  And do you know what - I think Carla may be back!

Apart from some stupidity about grapes and Crackerjack! there's not much else.  I didn't get the reference as I am sure that Eamonn Andrews never said anything like that.

This episode was written by Damon Alexis-Rochefort and directed by Tim Finn.


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