Tuesday 26 May 2020

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, June 1 - 5

Here are the major storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday 1 June to Friday 5 June
Note: One episode Mon, Weds, Fri at 7.30pm until further notice.

Geoff is caught out, Roy comes to Shona's rescue, Dev takes matters into his own hands, Asha can't escape her past but manages to find her voice. 

See the full week's preview with pictures at Corrie.net

Missed last week's Corrie?

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. i find it increasingly difficult to believe that the hidden camera hasn't been found but, even more so, that Geoff's and Yasmeen's mobile phones were not examined by the police. Putting aside the importance of the issue, the storyline still has to be credible. Also, even if Yasmeen is pleading guilty, why haven't her defence team insisted that she isn't fit to stand trial? Has she had a psychiatric assessment? The thing is, you can be sure that if it served the storyline, many of these things would have already happened.

  2. 1) technology has got nothing to do with the crime - we only get annoyed with it because we know of it. As of now - the police is charging Yasmeen with attempting murder. Not anything to do with technology?

    2) Yasmeen wanted to plead guilty because in her head, she did something wrong and she has to paid for it. We know it is not her fault - the show want to highlight the gaslighting and its effect. Coronation Street are working with the experts who see this often. Maybe trust them and allow them educate you how bad people are, being gaslighted.

  3. Humpty Dumpty is right. No way the defence in such a case doesn't push for a psych evaluation. And the police should have found the secret cameras as well as asked to see Yas and Geoff's phones.

    Yes, as Anonymous above notes, Yasmine feels guilty (which if course she is tecnically) of almost killing Geoff, partly because of his gaslighting her. But you are more trusting of the writers than I am if you're expecting them to be guided by the experts. They have goofed up many recent storylines with rushed and improbable endings, and I'm sure they were guided by experts then too. Rita's sudden Lonely Senior Crisis? All solved and never spoken of again. Amy's secret abortion? She toddles off, ninenthe worse for wear. I could go on. I may listen to what real experts have to say, but I shall reserve the right to use my own judgment on whether a storyline makes sense or not, thank you.

  4. I agree with Humpty too. The webcam, phones and Geoff's laptop should have been found and examined, as well as Yasmeen's bank account. Also Dr Gaddas could give some good evidence about how Yasmeen believed Geoff had heart problems when he didn't.

    I see he is back in the house so Alya's plan obviously didn't work!

  5. I also agree with Humpty. A storyline like this needs to be accurate. Yes its a soap but come on! Having the forensics not see the cameras makes the story a farce which is very sad. They could at least acknowledge it and maybe they can't be used in court but at least still acknowledge it. It is the small details like that which ruin the storyline because that part is not believable. There's no way they would miss that or not investigate bank account, laptop, phone etc.

  6. I also agree with Humpty Dumpty's comments as it seems the writers are going to great pains have Geoff get away with it by by having him in Yasmeen's house and erase the evidence and what sort of message is that sending to victims?They don't matter?
    I'm puzzled how can Geoff be allowed in the house,it's in Yasmeen's name not his.

  7. They are married so he is allowed in the house. It is in his name now.

    If Yasmeen cleaned the house as she should have - and did not find the camera, then the police might not have find it.

    It is soooo super easy to criticise because you know what is happening and it the aim of the soap, to get the audience frustrated so when the climax comes, they will be cheering.

    1. Thank you at last for some sense. It's not cameras, as stated on here, it's one camera, hidden behind the TV. Why would the soco's be looking there when the crime occurred in the kitchen? Oh yes, silly me, to find the hidden camera, which every home has

  8. There is no need for us to be snarky. You are welcome to share your opinion, as we all are. The extra "s" on the word camera was merely a typo and I do not disagree with the idea that the police might not magically be drawn to the secret camera when they don't know it's there. But Corrie police often miss big clues and when you say "maybe trust them and allow them to educate you", you lose me. I don't need to be told to trust anyone, ok? Your input here is valuable and I do enjoy other points of view, even if I'm not going to agree with them all.

  9. Jeanie (anon):

    Overall I think they're doing a pretty good job with the storyline. Yes, you might expect the cops to at least examine the cell phones and the bank account, but I agree with people who suggest that the hidden camera is a dramatic device intended to build frustration and suspense. I have no doubt that that footage will be saved somehow and played in the future at some time most damning and humiliating to Geoff! We're all just waiting for that moment to happen and anticipation builds as discovery of the footage is delayed each time.

    The discussion here gives rise to the question--is it really right to take something like the horrors of spousal abuse and turn it into entertainment? If the "issue" is pounded too hard, we get the preachy fiasco that was the Baileys' recent bout with racism. On the other hand, if certain aspects are dramatized to build suspense, people get upset that it's not an accurate rendition.

    I don't mind the cameras (lol) and footage in itself--that's just a dramatic device. But I think the whole situation with Yasmeen attacking Geoff in the first place is sensationalizing the issue. How many abused spouses really attack their partners in this way? Much better to have shown Yasmeen walking away with the support of her friends and then working to repair her life and regain control of her finances.

  10. I must point out again hidden camaras are called hidden cameras for a reason it's because their hidden. The forensics weren't looking for a hidden camera but for forensics.
