Tuesday 5 May 2020

Corrie Boss In First Virtual Sneak Peek

Producer Iain Macleod and Coronation Street’s press team fully embraced the wonders of modern technology this afternoon by hosting a virtual press event on video conferencing app Zoom. 

Normally these things are held at ITV Studios in Salford or their other offices in London, and sometimes even in theatres and screening rooms if future episodes are being shown. But these are not ordinary times.

Fancy brickwork, Iain...
Zoom has taken the world by storm since the Coronavirus pandemic broke out and it’s allowing people to stay connected either for work, to keep in touch with family, or for Corrie fans like myself to get the latest goss on what’s coming up on the nation’s favourite soap.

Questions were submitted in advance and during the video call
Today from the comfort of our own homes and workplaces, we were able to probe Iain and Chief Publicity Manager Alison on Yasmeen’s desperate situation, lots of other stories and events we have to look forward to, and what the pandemic will mean for the future of Corrie.

All will be revealed in the coming days so keep your eyes peeled for updates, spoilers and interviews on the Blog. Corrie's summer trailer can be found HERE.

Thanks to Iain, Alison and the team for keeping us all informed, involved, and connected.


Stay Home. Save Lives.

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

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