Monday 25 May 2020

Coronation Street Episode Bank Holiday Monday 25th May

We start off with Run David Run as he careers around the corner of Coronation Street, although it isn't clear if he's running from a gang of youths or just running. His reaction to the Shona news (see below) is to go to an estate and taunt a group of lads until they start chasing after him and he runs off, Renton-style.

Back at the Kate Oates Memorial Hospital, the Barlow-Battersby-McDonald-Tilsley clan wait for news on Oliver. The doctor says they're reducing his sedation. Liz buys an Eccles cake for her grandson, unaware that he's on a feeding tube, which Toyah explains to her. I wonder how Liz is going to leave - I was under the impression that she does something bad re: Oliver whilst trying to help. Could it be that he's put on a special diet and she gives him a custard slice? Later, Oliver wakes up but is unresponsive to Leanne or Steve or his fave red car. Could it be that he's faking amnesia to try to get himself adopted?

Still at the hospital, a different one, a very glowed-up Shona has an interview with a specialist. She says she wants to go home to the Robeson estate to live with Clayton and not go anywhere near the Platts. Fair play. The doctor explain that her son in prison and Shona demands to see him, but when he comes into the prison visiting room (that the doctor seems to have arranged at very short notice) she doesn't recognise him.

Meanwhile, rotten Ray turns up to apologise to the Baileys and to say he sacked, um, thingy. You know, the horrible one from last week. So Ray's a misogynist but not a racist? He still needs a comeuppance, remember. Later, at the ground, top lad Tommy O sticks up for James when one of the footy boys make a homophobic remark. James turns the tables and makes a joke, saying he'd never fancy Tommy in a million years. Harsh!

In the caff, Cathy tries to persuade Gemma to upload her vlog. She says no because she looks "a  mess" and didn't like going viral with the turnstile, but I expect she'll have done it by 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. I thought the little boy playing Oliver looked most uncomfortable though I don’t know it that was for real or he is just a budding Olivier (similar names!)
    Why didn’t Leanne or Steve go round to the other side of the bed seeing as that was the way he was looking?

  2. How long can David go on behaving like a sulky teenager? How pathetic that Gail called Sarah back from work because David wasn’t talking to her. He is 29 years old for goodness sake. He is not fit to have the responsibility of children, not that he seems to notice them anyway.
    Time for a new direction for David please writers.
