Tuesday 4 February 2020

Coronation Street Spoiler: Car crash horror for David

The previews are in from ITV for next week’s Coronation Street and an exhausted David arrives back from visiting Shona in Leeds. David piles the kids into the car and they set off for the school play. Barely able to keep his eyes open, David crashes with the kids in the car. 
David, Max and Lily extract themselves from the wreckage, shaken but not hurt and Kevin confirms that the car is a write-off. So David takes the train to Leeds to visit Shona. However he’s devastated when the doctor breaks the news that Shona has made it clear she doesn’t want to see him. 
Maria finds David on the bench in Victoria Garden. David explains how after an arduous journey (eh? arduous? It’s just over an hour by direct train!) to Leeds by train, Shona refused to see him. Maria hands David her car keys, telling him she’d like him to have her car.  
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. What's up with David and cars? By this point, he should stay well clear. He crashes his car with the kids inside and Maria decides he should have her car? Ridiculous.

  2. Who just up and gives their car away?

  3. C in Canada: to answer your question, someone who did not pay for it herself. Gary just gave it to her.
