Saturday 25 January 2020

Samia Longchambon interview: Maria miscarries her baby

How are Maria and Gary feeling about her pregnancy? They’ve both got children from past relationships so how is it progressing?
Everything is going really well, they’re really looking forward to the arrival of the baby. Maria is really throwing herself into this relationship with Gary and has had to overlook everything he told her at New Year because she wants to create this family unit that she’s never had before. She brought Liam up as a single mum, so for her this is the chance to have the 2.4 children type family. She thinks Gary is a great guy and she’s looking forward to everything.

They’re planning on going to Bristol to visit Gary’s son but Maria starts to feel ill, what happens? 
Maria thinks she’s got some sort of flu; a cough, temperature, dizzy spells, so she says to Gary you go and I’ll stay here, I’ll be fine, she doesn’t think any more of it at first. She sees Sarah and Ali in the street on the way to school and she has a dizzy spell. They take her back into the flat and it’s when she comes out of the bathroom that she tells them she’s bleeding.

Is she scared that there might be something wrong?
Yeah Maria is very scared, as you would be, but also because she had a still born baby before 11 years ago so all those fears come rushing back. She said at the 12 week scan to Gary that she can’t bond till she knows everything is alright because of what happened before so she’s been quite tentative anyway. She’s very worried but she’s trying to put a brave face on it for Liam.

Is she pleased to have Ali by her side at the hospital or is it a bit awkward?
It is awkward but at the same time she is pleased because he is a friend and as much as she’s tried to avoid him there are still feelings there so she is grateful, she doesn’t want to be on her on.

A scan reveals she is having a miscarriage, do all those feelings from her previous still birth come rushing back?
It all comes back, as soon as the midwife says she’s sorry Maria knows what that means and breaks down. She’s absolutely heartbroken, all the old feelings she had when she lost her first baby come back. She opens up to Ali about what happened last time, it’s a whole new wave of devastation.

Maria says she blames herself, why is that?
She blames herself in that she says to both Ali and Gary that she should have gone to the doctors sooner, maybe that would have helped. Actually it wouldn't, she’s blaming herself thinking she should have been able to protect her baby but actually there’s nothing she could have done to stop it happening unfortunately. 

How does Gary react when Maria tells him about the miscarriage?
He’s really calm and really caring, he’s just equally as upset as Maria.

So then how does Maria feel when it’s revealed that Bertie had the measles because he wasn’t vaccinated and that’s the likely cause of her miscarriage?
It’s Audrey that tells her Bertie has been admitted to hospital with the measles, Maria realises that she was with Bertie prior to this and that’s where she got it from. She’s very upset and frustrated with Daniel that he didn't get Bertie’s jabs done but equally she’s frustrated with her mum because she finds out that she wasn’t vaccinated as a child so all this could have been prevented.

Gary’s much angrier than Maria with Daniel, how does he react?
Gary goes and finds Daniel and lashes out at him but in Maria’s opinion Daniel’s been through enough and that’s the last thing he needs, she just wants to grieve without it being a big drama.

Do you think Maria and Gary can come through this together?
It does put a strain on the relationship and it makes Maria question the relationship again. She tells Gary he doesn’t have to stay with her now, if the reason why they’re living together, he’s bought her the car, is all down to the fact they were having a baby together then they’re not anymore and he can go if he wants. She’s been through a lot, she feels anxious and this has brought it all to the surface, she did get pregnant quickly and she’s giving Gary that option now by saying if you don’t want all this that’s fine. But Gary says he does want them to make a go of it and hopefully it will make them stronger. 

Does Maria still have feelings for Ali?
I think she does still have feelings for Ali but she’s pushed them deep down and is trying to make a go of her relationship with Gary and try and be true to him.

It’s a very tough storyline to film, what did you think of also tackling the subject of missed he vaccinations?
It’s definitely an issue that needs talking about, it’s a problem that measles is on the rise again in this country and it shouldn’t be, there are vaccinations there to stop it but people are choosing not to vaccinate their children. Obviously it is a personal decision but it can have a snowball effect so it is really important to show that.
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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1 comment:

  1. This is very sad. Even though I don’t like Maria being with baddie Gary, it’s still sad she lost the baby. Having had 3 miscarriages myself, these storylines hit close to home. Sad and heartbreaking.
