Tuesday 21 January 2020

Rob Mallard interview: Daniel and Bethany kiss

What effect has Sinead’s death had on how Daniel parents Bertie?

Daniel feels like he has to be both now, mum and dad, which sounds like a simple thing to do but he is actually completely without any clues as to what Sinead was offering that he is not offering. There was the moment when Daniel was afraid of bathing Bertie because Sinead had always bathed him - he had to get over that - so in certain ways it’s just small hurdles to begin with. I don’t think he has any concept of what he actually will need to be for Bertie; he will have to be good cop and bad cop.

How is Daniel handling this next chapter of his life?

Daniel is not handling it at all. He is in denial and he is just trying to keep his head above water, day to day. All his attention is going to Bertie, he is not able to sit and realise how much everything has changed because he is focusing on his baby. Also, Bethany is still there and she was involved towards the end of Sinead’s death so a lot of the reasons why he is holding on to that is because it is familiar with Sinead. Even though it was an awful thing that they did, it’s still some connection to do with Sinead.

When the consultant confirms Bertie has the measles, what’s Daniel’s first thoughts?

Daniel immediately feels guilt and then fear because it doesn’t occur to him that it has gone beyond Bertie to begin with. He thinks that getting Bertie’s jabs would have been something that Sinead would have been able to do without flinching so he is ashamed of that failure. He doesn’t realise the wider implications at all.

Why did Daniel never take Bertie back for his jabs? 

It was too upsetting for Daniel and he couldn’t deal with how upset Bertie was. Bertie didn’t really cry at all during Sinead’s death and now that she has gone he is afraid of making Bertie cry because what if Sinead is the only thing that can stop Bertie from crying? He doesn’t want to find out whether or not he will actually be able to calm him down.

Why does Daniel go in to himself when a crisis happens?

Daniel was on his own from the age of fourteen so in his mind when things get too complicated and start falling apart he retreats back to himself. It is easier for him to cope this way because if anything goes wrong it is him that has to deal with it and he won’t be judged by anyone else, even though he is always judging himself. He is someone who doesn’t know who to ask for help.

What’s Daniel and Bethany’s friendship like at this point?

Daniel doesn’t know whether he likes Bethany or he hates her because he is projecting all of his guilt of what he did on to her. It is easier to blame her and say it was all her fault, even though he doesn’t I think he would like to. But he does like her and he thinks it’s better than being on his own.

What is going through Daniel’s mind when he thinks he sees Sinead?

Daniel has just woken up again so he is a little bit out of it and he has probably been dreaming about Sinead. Bethany is wearing Sinead’s dressing gown and he is shocked, he thinks he sees Sinead and it’s too good to be true. He thinks, has her death and the aftermath just been a dream? But then reality hits.

When he kisses Bethany does he think he is kissing Sinead?

Daniel knows he is kissing Bethany but he is allowing his mind to trick himself and have these moments.

What advice would you give to Daniel?

I would tell Daniel to listen to the people around him and ask for help.

What’s the best thing about working with Lucy Fallon?

Her sense of humour! She really makes me laugh and it’s a lot of fun. I’ve been really lucky because both Lucy and Katie McGlynn have been absolutely brilliant. I get on with them both equally and it’s a different relationship with both of them and I am glad that I have had the pleasure to work with Lucy before she leaves.


Glenda Young
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