Wednesday 1 January 2020

Preview of tonight's hour-long Coronation Street - New Year's Day


TRACY WAKES UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED Tracy wakes up naked and hungover and realises she has cheated on Steve. Tracy sneaks back into Street Cars’ flat. Amy notices the designer jacket over the back of a chair and Tracy realises she has picked up a jacket by mistake. Tracy secretly meets up with last night’s dalliance, in the Rovers, returns the jacket and implores them not to mention their night of passion to anyone. As they row in the street, Amy approaches and realises with horror who her mum has spent that night with.
ELSEWHERE A court letter reveals that it’s Josh’s trial tomorrow. There’s a stand off at the factory as the events of Christmas Day overshadow the new year.
TRACY TRIES TO KEEP HER SECRETS A furious Amy orders Tracy to tell Steve the truth or she’ll do it for her. Tracy confesses all to Mary. Tracy begs Amy not to tell Steve about her night of passion just as Steve arrives home with the kitten and clocking the tension, wonders what’s happened. Tracy covers but a disgusted Amy stomps off to her room. Amy announces she’s moving out to live with Emma.
IT’S A NEW START AT UNDERWORLD Will a truce be called at the factory and the staff move be able to move forward following the horrors and discoveries of Christmas Day.
JADE GETS A LUCKY BREAK In Victoria Garden, Hope makes out Ruby pushed her off the bench and hurt her arm. Evelyn reckons Hope’s just attention seeking whilst Fiz isn’t sure what to believe.
ELSEWHERE Sally convinces Kevin that Abi really likes him, her kiss with Ray meant nothing. Abi returns to No.4 and waxes lyrical about fit Ray. When Kevin emerges from the kitchen, Abi’s mortified to have hurt his feelings yet again.

Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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  1. Tracy storyline. I like that they did not sensationalize it. The progression was natural as Tracy was vulnerable. I thought it would be odd as they do not share any past interactions on the show, but both are alpha females and the writers did set it up in a believable manner.
    I like that Amy is her mother's conscience. I hope that Tracy and Steve can get past this. Even in this day and age, I think he will take it better than if it had been with a man. I think he has grown as a character and I think they will stay together. I hope so.....

  2. They work on Abbi and in a split second turn her back into a tramp. quick she was too go for Ray, a complete stranger....very modern I guess...but to make such a fuss the next day...and the reaction to his money was enough to make me throw up in my mouth. Way to go Corrie for showing empowered women...not!

  3. I agree anonymous, one minute Abby says she would like a nice, stable man and then is throwing herself on Ray. Did we ever find out if she passed her exam she worked with Brian to prepare for? It would have been nice to see her excel at her education and career but I guess that's not cartoony enough for the Corrie writers to get a cheap laugh from.
