Thursday 16 January 2020

Geoff Metcalfe - bully, manipulator and contemptible man

Over the decades, Coronation Street has had its fair share of villains, all wrong ‘uns in their own way. This current villain though, and his aim at the destruction of a kind, vibrant and popular woman, I find to be utterly despicable. Geoff, of course.

Is his aim to make her totally crumble, to render her devoid of personality, to terrify her and make her unable to enjoy her life unless she is cleaning or doing something else that she really doesn’t want to do? As he is manipulating, controlling and unsettling her, he is clever enough to keep telling her that he loves her, to make her think that the change Geoff needs in her is well worth it.

On Monday’s episode, Geoff came home to find Yasmeen and her good friend, Cathy, chatting, laughing, having a glass or two of wine and generally enjoying themselves. ‘We’ve polished off two bottles of wine,’ declares Yasmeen. Geoff maintains a minimum of friendliness until Cathy leaves prompting Geoff to slam the door. Who could not pity Yasmeen, living with this bully? ‘I hope I didn’t spoil your fun. I’m surprised you’ve had time to sit about boozing with your mate.’
‘Time!’ shouts Yasmeen. ‘It’s my day off!
‘You’ve got a list of jobs to do – what is job number three?’ asks the monster. We need to keep the house extra clean, it’s about trust!’
It is then revealed that Geoff has been putting crosses on the skirting boards. He sees they are still there, so Yasmeen has failed! ‘Are you trying to catch me out?’ asks Yasmeen. Oh, if only we could answer her and tell her that he is doing so much more than that.

The revelation of the drinking with Cathy gives Geoff the ammunition he needs. It seems that at that moment he decided that he could use the accusation of alcoholism, should he need it, in order to bend Yasmeen to his will, completely.

During their lunch together, Cathy, who is no fool, suspects there is something wrong. ‘We like to keep the place clean,’ explains Yasmeen. ‘The place is spotless!’ declares Cathy.
Yasmeen tells Cathy, ‘I’ve never been happier in my life!’ I wonder how many viewers gasped at this and wondered whether she was trying to convince herself.

When Yasmeen tells Cathy that Geoff has taken her shopping, persuaded her to buy things she would never normally consider, Yasmeen is full of praise for Geoff. He’s helping her
push the boundaries, preventing her from becoming the dreaded ‘fuddy-duddy’ – but as Cathy points out, Yasmeen has her own sense of style. Yasmeen insists Geoff’s not taking over her life, but being in a relationship is taking over her life, ‘With the man I love!’

Later, Geoff presents Yasmeen with a colour-coded jobs rota. Why on earth did she not rip it up in front of him? She daren’t. I believe she feels so cowed in his presence now that she would do anything he asked her to. Each minute he has her more firmly in his controlling, manipulating grasp.

One of Geoff’s tricks is outright cruelty. He apologises for having a go at her but his respiratory system cannot bear a speck of dust. He makes her feel unkind, while he is the cruel one. He spits out nasty comments, in a deliberate attempt to undermine her. He points out that everyone ends up leaving her: Sharif, Zeedan, Alya. He says this to a woman who has lost, in dreadful circumstances, her only son and before that, her daughter-in-law.

Now, he can’t bear her ‘hovering’ as it sets him on edge. Yasmeen asks about his soup and he says that it’s just from a can, not made by famous chef Ottolenghi, another implicit criticism. He says he feels like Canute, holding back a tide of filth, all these cruel comments combining to further undermine Yasmeen’s confidence. The happiest she’s been in her life? She resembles a terrified rabbit in the headlights.

He then cranks up his campaign to make Yasmeen believe she is an alcoholic. She is dismissive at first but as Geoff works on, she begins to believe in the possibility that she might just be an alcoholic. Yasmeen!!

He talks in such concerned confidence to Brian about his anxieties. Brian is most sympathetic and even gets Peter Barlow on board who calls round to see Yasmeen, out of kindness, and speak to her about alcoholism. Yasmeen must be terrified by now. She makes a vow that she will completely give up the booze, when we viewers want to scream at her again.

Geoff’s new rota is ‘very detailed’ says Yasmeen. Taking this as a compliment, when he knows it isn’t, he thanks her, once more making Yasmeen believe that rotas are a good idea, and not only for students sharing accommodation. Yasmeen tells him it’s hard physical work, all this cleaning and feels as if she’s done an all-night gym session. His only comment, once more designed to put her down is, ‘No need to exaggerate.’ Yasmeen tells him she cares for his health and happiness. All he says in reply is, ‘Show, don’t tell.’ The viewers are thoroughly exasperated once more.

Then comes his piece de resistance, his master stroke. He asks for her credit and debit card, so that she will avoid the temptation of having a drink. After her initial shock, Yasmeen as meek as a kitten, hands them over.

Alya, Cathy, Brian, Sally! Please help Yasmeen escape the horrific clutches of this thoroughly contemptible man!

By Ruth Owen, Twitter @Ruth1722

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. Splendid read, and I agree entirely. There's not a single likeable thing about Geoff.

  2. Geoff sends shivers down my spine, I hope this story ends soon. I found it difficult to believe Yazmeen would be attracted to him in the first place, as they have nothing in common, but now he is just plain nasty and cruel.

  3. Jeanie (anon): Poor Yasmeen--the man literally has no redeeming qualities! He's not even magnificent in his evilness--just petty, petty, petty! What sicko uses house keeping as a means to punish and torment their wife?! Can't wait till he I am sure he will. Their finances are so intertwined now, that legally it would be very complicated for Yasmeen to get rid of him. Just hope she isn't implicated and/or charged in his death... And not very impressed with Tim either; he heard Geoff berating Yasmeen so viciously, but couldn't stop thinking of himself. Yet, surely, he knows what his father is like...

  4. Yes, he's vile. Abusive characters, (I'm thinking of Charlie Stubbs here but I'm sure there are others) can usually turn on the charm when it suits them but Geoff has none of that.

  5. I have been able to watch through Charlie Stubbs, and all other villains through to Pat Phelan, who was mesmerizing. The only time I have had to fast-forward through Corrie was during the nauseating Graham/Xin era (such a loss of Graham, who had been great up until the arrival of Xin - or whatever her name was). Until now. I just don't have the stomach for Geoff, so fast-forwarding again. Please somebody - make this end.

  6. Viewers have said that Yasmeen didn't suspect any misdemeanours with Sharif, therefore it's not surprising that she is making the same mistake with Geoff. However, there weren't any misdemeanours for Yasmin to suspect with Sharif. They were concocted as a way of swiftly getting rid of the actor. So there is no consistent character development here but I guess we have to let that one go in order to make the storyline work. The main problem I have with this storyline is that Geoff is unpleasant with everyone and without much humour. He doesn't have the charm of Charlie Stubbs and, to me, he's a two-dimensional villain. Of course, Soapland demands that villains live on a street full of idiots so there's no point asking the obvious like why Alya doesn't seek help from her family.

    I do wish they had toned down Geoff's evilness as he will obviously have to get his come-uppance. It would have been far more interesting in the long-term to have a moderately controlling partner and let Yasmin live in a slowly suffocating marriage for years. While there will be a lot of women identifying with Yasmin's current situation, there may be hundreds more who might think: 'Well, at least he's not as bad as Geoff.' Those women won't benefit from the storyline as it is now.

  7. No, that is not true, the affair was written before they wanted to write the actor out as they brought in the actress to play her, but she stayed for a while to play off the story to a conclusion. So, yes, Sharif was intended to have an affair regardless of Marc Anwar's departure.

    And her name is spelt Yasmeen, said so in the article?

  8. I hadn't tuned in to Corrie for quite some time but I happened to watch on Monday (and then again on Wednesday) and I have to say I was impressed! Coercive control is definitely not the first thing people will think of when it comes to abuse in marriage and relationships so I like that Corrie are going there. It's uncomfortable viewing, yes, but it's meant to be.

    I don't want Yasmeen to suffer for years, as Humpty says above. This is a soap after all, and I always like the characters in the wrong to get their comeuppance. But I think Corrie deserves some awards for this storyline, which is something I haven't been able to say for a while! Well done Corrie!

  9. End this repulsive storyline now!!! The point has been made, and was done SO much better on The Archers a couple of years ago.

  10. Well played by both actors. I would like to see the penny drop with Yasmeen, with the help of Cathy and Alya. Not Brian though - he'd be a hindrance. Geoff is nothing but a manipulative bully. The best thing to do with bullies is to stand up to them. Play him at his own game. Record everything that goes on. Twist what he says and get him to start doubting his own sanity. That's a storyline I would really enjoy! He's got about as much charm as a toad! Then the finale, all evidence & recordings of his treatment of lovely, kind Yasmeen revealed to a large audience in the Rovers! I'd pay good money to see that! Oh, and somewhere along the plot a reason for him to be dragged away by the police.

  11. That sounds good Val! There is already a reason to arrest him because there are new laws covering abusive relationships including controlling your partner's finances. It would be good to see this law enforced.

  12. I wonder if everything is being recorded by Geoff's cameras? Yasmeen's bound to find them when cleaning.

  13. If the writers wanted to set a good example and offer help to those in this situation...why not approach in a positive light. Show the love and support of Alya and Cathy help Yasmeen to realise the situation she is in and gain perspective. Then she could be her own saviour in that she would recognize Geoff for what he is and take back her power. That would have been a positive message.
    As for Anonymous who critiqued the spelling of Yasmin/Yasmeen..... since when was it our responsility as posters to correct anyone's spelling or grammar here? Very rude indeed.

  14. Audrey certainly had a lucky escape, she had her eye on him at one time.
    Utterly repulsive snake of a man, good actor 👌

  15. My question is who would go for him in the first place?
