Saturday 18 January 2020

Corrie Comicals week ending 17 January 2020

In the interests of bringing new readers up to speed Sally has kindly rerun the bigamy storyline - she can handle the fact that she and Tim are not married, she can handle the fact that they cannot get married, she cannot handle the fact that he is married to Charlie.  And as you can see from her face above when she tells Tim she loves him the look on her face is telling a completely different story just at the moment.  And Sally is off to spend some time with Gina leaving Tim to get on with his divorce which has not been filed because he is afraid that someone will as a result report that he is bigamously married to Sally.  Do the police actually cross check divorce cases and wedding records for a potential bigamous marriage?  Why have Beth and Kirk never got married?

To try and fix their marriage (unlikely) Tracy and Steve go to see a counsellor.  Not only does a clock get broken but there is a leaning lamp and a picture askew.  When they retake their seats we see another picture at an angle and another leaning lamp.  The session does not go well!

Come Wednesday there were some delightfully written scenes - Evelyn trying to re-assure Ty about Fiz's fate; Aggie and Bernie plus David getting told by Gail that she is a positive person.  Somehow Jenny had the best lines but she can't have all the credit here.  So I think Roy deserves recognition for the calm and gentle way he could explain Hayley to Nina (above) whilst wearing a corset.

When Jenny said this I thought I needed my hearing examined - why would anyone want a powered lazy susan?  I can now report that they do indeed exist - you push buttons and the susan revolves!  I know they have great value in Chinese restaurants and it is certainly fun with the grandchildren to ensure they cannot get their hands on the crispy duck by whizzing the susan past their outstretched hands - but to have a powered one just takes the fun away!  Quite why Jenny needs one is also outside my comprehension.

Come on Shona we all know the answer to that one - it is a horse designed by a committee popular in Africa and Australia.  The difficult question - is it dromedary or bactrian?  Oh OK - it is a dromedary!  Given the number of scenes we have seen in recent weeks of Shona in bed in hospital I wonder just how long she was filming!

Now we all know that we enjoy a nice glass of wine of an evening.  But I reckon it takes a brave man to tell his good lady wife to her face that maybe she consumes slightly too much alcohol.  Geoff has gone as far as getting people to believe Yasmeen is an alcoholic - but above Brian casually suggests that maybe Cathy consumes more than is ideal.  I am surprised he is still alive.

Twitching the nets Evelyn saw Jade getting nasty with Fiz.  She storms outside, calls Jade a little runt with no family and to get out of town before she gets smacked "from here to kingdom come" (above) and that raised a huge cheer here as we watched.  You don't mess with Evelyn if you know which side your bread is buttered.  Obviously Maureen Lipman always had the ability but the writing and stories are giving a real chance to create one of the great northern strong women which have always been the core of Coronation Street.  I hope that she and TPTB will continue enabling this performance for many years to come.

No room for Roy looking proud when asked by Cathy if Nina is his niece and inevitably the Shona, Geoff and Kel stories really don't fit around here!  See you next week.

Written by: Mark Wadlow & David Isaac (Monday); Jonathan Harvey (Wednesday); Ellen Taylor (Friday)
Directed by: David Beauchamp (Monday); Nic Phillips (Wednesday & Friday)


All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

  1. One thing I'm glad about the Jade storyline is that Evelyn has left off criticizing Fiz, and now takes her side. She was really mean (without cause) to Fiz when she first appeared and moved in with them.
