Wednesday 8 May 2019

Should Mary divorce Norris - Yay or Nay?

It's feels good, indeed right, to have Norris back where he belongs at No. 3 Coronation Street. But he's planning to sell it - and wants to divorce Mary too. All things must change, and in the world of soap this rings true more than anywhere else.

As we already know, the new Bailey family are going to move into No. 3 so clearly, Norris does sell it. But does he divorce Mary? We don't know for sure, not yet.

I wonder if she'll agree to a divorce and let Norris go?  I think she should divorce him, but what do you say?

Glenda Young
Author: Belle of the Back Streets

Fancy writing a guest blog post for us? All details here!  

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  1. Yes. They should have divorced / had the marriage annulled straight after the competition, as it was never meant to be a real marriage. Mary needs someone younger and more adventurous than Norris.

  2. They should both leave together, forever.
