Wednesday 29 May 2019

Samuel L Jackson (the rescue horse) joins Corrie

Now, I'm not right fond of horses, in fact I'm a little afraid. But this is such a nice story it's worth a blog post.

Sally's syndicate horse on Coronation Street was saved from a Portuguese slaughterhouse. Not only that but it's called Samuel L Jackson, or Sammy for short.

The young horse belongs to Dolbadarn Film Horses, a company based in Llanberis in Gwynedd who specialise in supplying trained horses to TV and film companies says North Wales Live.

Having taken over the family-run business over 20 years ago, owner Dylan Jones now has 18 horses, all of whom have appeared in various films and TV shows including War Horse, Game of Thrones and Dr Who.

Dylan said: "Sammy has a very interesting back story. He was only a youngster, maybe around four months old, when I found him. I'd originally spotted another foal, a bay (now named Indiana Jones) who had been rescued from a Portuguese slaughter house by a horse charity around five years ago."I got in touch with the charity and they told me that the bay had been ripped away from its mother and was in poor health, very malnourished and was essentially waiting on deaths door.

"I showed interest in bringing him over here and thankfully they managed to raise enough money to get him out of the slaughterhouse and into a safe-house holding area.  They asked me if I wanted to take both the bay and Sammy and being the soft soul that I am, I agreed."

There are behind the scenes filming pics of Sammy the horse here.

Glenda Young

Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor

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