Wednesday 29 May 2019

Chris Gascoyne Interview: Can Peter cope with Carla?

How has Peter been feeling since he got the call that Carla had been found?
As far as Peter is concerned Roy did the right thing getting in touch with him but I think he seriously underestimated just how difficult it would be. He thought that he would be the one to help her recover but she is seriously ill and it is too much for Peter to take on, especially when he is also vulnerable at the moment.

Is he surprised that Carla is finding it hard to trust even him? 
I think that has come as a bit of a shock to him yes. But she is so paranoid that she doesn’t trust anyone and whenever she sees anyone talking she presumes it is about her.

Is he getting any help?
Roy has moved out whilst he and Carla are at the flat, her mental health practitioner is on hand but he is concerned that she is not really getting any better, she has been pretending to take her medication but she has not been taking it.

What happens when Michelle comes round?
Michelle is shocked to see how bad things have got with Carla and it is just to much for Peter, he breaks down as he can’t cope and Michelle has to comfort him. He is really at breaking point by this stage.

How bad do things get this week?
Carla is a bad enough state but then the police come round to ask more questions about the factory and this tips her over the edge and she becomes very confused. Johnny and Kate come round and Peter finds Carla has flooded the bathroom, it is a real wake up call for him and he has to admit he has taken on more than he can handle.

How does Peter feel when Carla disappears again?
He is terrified, he feels like he has let her down and knowing what a fragile state she was in he genuinely fears for her safety. They are desperate to find her before she comes to harm. They have no idea where she will have gone.

What happens when they find her?
Michelle spots her on the fire escape stairs on Victoria Street and they realise that she thinks she is speaking to Hayley, Aidan and Rana. It is heartbreaking to watch and Peter is desperate to get to her and help her but he is worried that if they scare her she could fall. He has to make a decision about what to do for the best.

What was it like filming those scenes?
They were very very intense, Ali has been amazing and has been very aware of the fact that people are going through this in real life. She has really felt that responsibility, we are all mindful of that when we portray something so serious and real. It is important to get it right.

Do you think Carla and Peter can come through this?
Carla is very very poorly and it is going to take a long time for her to recover but Peter will be there for her. They have had their ups and downs over the years but this experience has bonded them together and Peter will want to be there for her, they need each other. It will be interesting to see if this changes the dynamic of their relationship moving forwards. This is the most difficult thing they have gone through and if they can deal with this you have to think they could deal with anything else that is thrown at them.

Glenda Young
Author: Belle of the Back Streets

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