Monday 15 April 2019

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 15th April

First of all, apologies that there was no review last week. In the manner of a minor-comedy storyline on Corrie, I spilled water on my laptop and couldn't type up my report on last Monday's doings.

Anyway, tonight is all about Carla, even though Alison King is not in this episode. Wayne leaves his finished and bound report in the cafe (which Yasmeen is covering in Roy's absence, despite having a restaurant of her own to run), and Imran picks it up. Before he can take a peek, Wayne returns and accuses him of trying to steal it. Imran tells him he's a jobsworth and Wayne denounces our fave lawyer as an ambulance chaser. Neither of them are Miss Marple enough to see Nick eyeing the report from across a bacon barm. Later on, the most hotly anticipated file since Rob Donovan waited for the arrival of his birthday cake is actually stolen from the back of Wayne's car and Immers is hauled off to Weatherfield cop-shop by D.S. Beckett and her silent partner, who's now been given a few lines. Note to police: never interrogate a lawyer, they can talk their way out of anything. The fragrant Claudia confirms his alibi, and Imran is let go, not before he has got it out of D.S. Beckett that Nick is a person of interest in the case and before the end of the ep, he's posited that Nick sabotaged the roof for the insurance money. I do hope there's a spin-off series in which Sherlock Habeeb goes around solving all of the crimes that D.S. MacKinnon made a mess of.

Meanwhile, the Connor clan are now #TeamCarla after Peter reveals that she's having a serious nervous breakdown and they all agree to look for her. Whilst they're doing this, the police bring 'round Rana's personal effects, which includes her phone and Kate listens to Carla's increasingly disturbed messages on Rana's ansaphone. I presume Carla's distress is cumulative guilt after being responsible for the corporate manslaughter of a Polish night-shift worker in 2007 and then drink-driving over Stella, both of which she got away with.

Off to the adventure golf at the Trafford Centre with Emma (young people today, eh?) Bethany spots Gary in a suit. She mentions it to her mum and Gaz, who denies it and bickers with his step-daughter. Sarah smiles but she knows a Windass lie when she hears it. Gary has spent the day working for Rotten Rick, but hasn't drummed up any new business, so Rick decides that he should take advantage of Gary's skill-set and use him as muscle instead. Poor Gary, he does seem to end up in this modern slavery situation quite often. Perhaps, like Carla, this is karma - lest we forget, it was his family refusing to pay Joe "he was a good man" McIntyre for his work on their kitchen that led to Joe borrowing money from the self-same loan shark Gary is now working for.

Because it's 1982 in the Metcalfe residence, Tim has never used shower gel before. Sally, presumably bored in her convalescence, has swapped their bar of soap for some tingly body wash. It's not the only change she's made: out go the full fry-ups, in come the kale and mung-bean stews. Mmmm. Only needs some of Toyah's almond mylk to make it a full and delicious meal. Meanwhile, the lads have found a way to make healthy lifestyle fun, make it competitive and full of bantz. They place bets on each other's blood pressure levels whilst trying to stress each other out. "Tax return!" shouts Steve to Dev. The only thing that brings Dev out of his meditative zen-like calm however is Evelyn coming in to the cab office to complain about the price reductions at the shop, which is enough to make anyone's stress levels hit the roof; let's just hope that there's no-one up there sabotaging it.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter (if I can get my laptop to ever boot up again).

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