Sunday 17 March 2019

The Week In Classic Corrie

I was away last week, so I'm afraid I had to skip that week's episods - catching up on five hours of Classic Corrie was a bit too much for me.  If you want to know what you missed, I can highly recommend Corriepedia's thorough recaps.

MONDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 20th and 22nd November 1991

Roy Barraclough needed to go off and do panto, so in the show, Alec was offered a job organising the turns on a cruise ship.  Bet was furious at being abandoned over the festive season and refused a premature Christmas dinner with him.  Jack tried to take advantage of being the only man left in the Rovers by going for a bonus, and ended up getting throttled by Alec for his trouble.  He went away even though Bet told him they were through if he did.  Don had finally realised that being married to Human Viral Infestation Ivy was a nightmare and left her for a barmaid called Julie.  She threw herself on his mercy and promised things would change, and Don decided to stay, the mad fool.  He tried to let Julie down gently and she threw it back at him for using her.  Mike was hovering around Alma again, loitering at the cafe and giving her his new address, but she wasn't having any of it.  He cockily told her that one day they'd get back together and it was just a matter of time.

TUESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 25th and 27th November 1991

After two years of sitting empty, the producers finally got round to filling up the remaining units on the posh side of the Street.  Mike opened MVB Motors in the garage unit with Kevin at its helm, while Martin came up with the bright idea of buying the still vacant number 8.  Do you think Gail will buy it?  The reason they were suddenly keen to move to Coronation Street was Ivy and Don were selling up to escape the Tilsley legacy, though Don couldn't really be bothered with it all, which in no way was a reflection on his commitment to the relationship.  Des had been sleeping with his solicitor, an extremely posh woman who treated him as a bit of rough, and was shocked to discover she hadn't given him a discount on her fees.  Can't be that much of a lothario, can he?  He ended up commiserating with Angie, who was also down because she was behind on her rent, and they went out for a pizza together.  Curly was unhappy at this development and paid her rent himself.  This did not go down well.

WEDNESDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 29th November and 2nd December 1991

Martin worked out the Platts could easily pay the mortgage on number 8... if they used the £20,000 insurance payout from Brian's death.  Gail was against the idea initially, but after Audrey had a word, she realised life was for living and buying a house was an investment for the kids.  (Ironically, number 8 is now owned by the only one of her children who's not Brian's).  Angie was livid at Curly paying her rent, feeling he was overstepping the mark and treating her like a girlfriend, a feeling that only got worse when he suggested she got a job at Bettabuy over the festive season.  She went out with Des to show Curly she didn't care for him.  Another Christmas temp at the supermarket was Percy Sugden, who took the role of Santa in the store grotto.  He'd been getting under Emily's feet at the charity shop so Rita pulled Reg's strings to get him the job.  Unfortunately Percy stormed out when he saw "Santa Claus" over the grotto because that's German and he's kind of racist.  Mike continued to stalk Alma, so she kissed Ken in public to put him off.  Poor girl.

THURSDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 4th and 6th December 1991

With Alec away, Bet decided to spruce up the bedrooms - particularly the spare room, which is where she intended to put him when he returned.  Her choice of decorator caused Betty to purse her lips: Des Foster, a man she had an affair with back in the early Eighties.  He made it clear that he'd like to pick up where they left off, and Bet didn't actively discourage him until she realised it'd gone too far.  He accused her of leading him on.  There were new jobs all round, as Percy deigned to start at the supermarket once they changed the name on the grotto to "Father Christmas" and Angie got a seasonal job in the Rovers.  Mike continued to interfere, suggesting a name change for the cafe and offering to get the front painted, but Alma knew it was part of his power trip and refused.  Audrey told Ken he was still sniffing around and he asked Alma where he stood.  She assured him she was Team Barlow.  The Platts got their offer on the house accepted (£38,000, if you want to get depressed over the state of the housing market these days).  Nicky was disgusted to learn that he'd still have to share a room with Sarah-Louise after they moved.  You just wait, Nicky; they'll be cramming a lot more than that into number 8 in the future.

FRIDAY - Episodes originally broadcast 9th and 11th December 1991

Ken asked Kevin to find him a new car.  When Mike found out about it, he insisted Kevin put it through the books, adding two hundred pounds to the price.  Ken refused to give Baldwin his money so Mike flogged it at a profit and rubbed it in Ken's face.  He also told him that he'd get Alma off him.  Also having car trouble was Alf, who got his car radio nicked.  Steve offered him one for £40, and when Mavis heard about it, she asked him to get one for Derek.  Bet cleared the air with Des Foster, but Betty warned her that people were still gossiping.  She didn't care until Jack made a snide comment and she threatened to sack him.  Ivy heard about Gail moving into the Street and was surprisingly positive about it.  It may have been because she'd had an offer on her own house and would soon be moving to Fletcher Street.  In theory.  I think we all know that Poison Ivy wouldn't let her get off that easy.

@merseytart wants to go back in time and tell Don Brennan to run while he still has the chance.

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License


  1. There was a scene this week where Mavis was taking the mick out of Angie in the Kabin. In real life that's when Thelma Barlow was surprised with her 'this is Your Life'.

    1. Brilliant! I had to have a look on YouTube and yes, it's there. Well remembered:)

  2. You should tell him he should run while he's still got two feet!

    He was another male character who started Corrie life as a nice fella and ended up a bit of a psycho.
