Monday 29 October 2018

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 29th October

Amy is out of hospital and a somewhat sunburnt and grizzled Steve is back from Morocco, but happy families it aint. Steve got a lift with a goat-herder back to the hotel where he had to get the British consul involved so as not to end up in a North African jail. Is the spin-off DVD out in time for Xmas? Not so much Ice Cold In Alex as Warm Newton And Ridley's In Weatherfield. Amy is cross with both her parents and Liz is also unimpressed with Steve, having a go at her son for his lack of sympathy for the Jim/Hannah debacle.

Ken has turned down the Gazette's offer of a follow-up story. He offers this to Audrey as an apology for utilising her lascivious history in his Tales Of A Windowcleaner Hairdresser. She's not particularly impressed, but perhaps his friendship with Claud is what's bothering her more?

Nick has organised a family meal at Nick's The Viaduct Bistro. Platt parties always go well, don't they? Nick and Lewis enjoy the 2006 vintage Dom Perignon, whilst everyone bickers around them. Gail is particularly antagonised by the tales of the pork butcher and the Austin Princess, namely Audrey's part in it.

Abi apologises to Kev for smacking him but he's not in a forgiving mood. She shouts about her innocence to him just as the social worker turns up with the twins. Later, Abi sobs to Tracy that she will never get her kids back now that her social worker knows about her sacking and police investigation, and guilty Tracy says she will help her. To be honest, I'm a bit bored of "the twins". The general rule for any character in a story is that they must want something, but the twins to Abi are like the white whale to Ahab. Anyway, they're probably better off with foster parents than facing the arson, murder, and crime of the Street, not to mention Rita's Xmas singalongs.

And so to the big story of the night...Sinead collapses in the pub toilets and is rushed to hospital, where Ken 'fesses up to his sons that he knew about her illness, which leads us to the second episode. Daniel is of course angry that Ken knew and didn't tell him, but Sinead tells him that he's being unfair. Daniel can't blame Sinead for not burdening him so he blames it on Ken, and then the doctor as he finds out about the "choice" between the aggressive chemo, which involves a termination, and the "lighter" chemotherapy that can take place whilst Sinead is pregnant. Daniel tries to talk some sense into Sinead, i.e. that she must have an abortion so that she has a better chance of survival, but Sinead still seems to be holding on to some residual guilt re: the earlier abortion and says she won't get rid of the baby. Daniel storms back to number one, intending to have it out with Ken, but Peter stops him and Daniel sobs on his shoulder instead. Peter shows some empathy with Ken, pointing out that we're all living out the same mistakes, and we all end up back where we started, having learned nothing. He tells Daniel that he should stand by his wife and child - and that history doesn't always have to repeat itself. Peter's in practice for being the Street patriarch, I reckon. Daniel returns to the hospital and swears that he will never again leave Sinead.

Well, I hope that this storyline at least encourages women to go for their regular smears.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. tonight's second episode of corrie was one of the best ever, if not the best ever. it was beautifully, sensitively written and acted. all the characters were true to themselves and it was heartbreaking.

    bravo to all! if a single episode could win an award for writing and acting, this would be the one.

    thank you for a truly 'corrie' episode.

  2. Yes, the ‘Barlow Special’ was superb; Rob Mallard confirms his early promise as the best of the young actors in the Street (frankly, I’ve felt for some time that any scene is improved by the addition of a bit of Daniel; Rob’s technique is flawless and his reactions are intelligent, authentic and compelling) Pairing him with the acknowledged acting-powerhouse that is Chris Gasgoine produced moving scenes that will live on in my memory for a long time.

  3. Great ep. It's strange that Ken was such a bad father, but he's a stable, loving presence as a grandfather.

  4. Great stuff! One criticism - I wish they'd stop calling Abi's children 'The Twins'! Take it from one that knows - we don't appreciate it.
