Tuesday 23 October 2018

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 22nd October

Jude goes for his assessment to become a paramedic. I was quite surprised that Jude actually went - I thought the whole thing was made up. Yasmeen tells Mary that Jude faints at the sight of blood, but Mary won't listen, wanting to believe her son isn't a compulsive liar. Roy arranges to give Jude a cheque for £5K just as Mary finds out from the assessor that Jude walked out after findg there was a maths section.. She gives him more than a few pieces of her mind, but she keeps schtum when the journalist covering the Good Samaritan award turns up to get some quotes. "Has he changed?" muses Angie to Mary. "Well that's the million dollar question," replies Mary. The five thousand pound question, more like. Mary discovers Roy's cheque and chews Jude out some more. In an attempt to stop her going to tell Angie and Roy the truth, Jude accidentally knocks Mary to the ground and she sobs to herself out in the ginnel. I'm assuming that this is the beginning of the end for Jude...at least I'm hoping that it is.

Brian is wondering what to do with the holiday club. Cathy suggests the Stanford Experiment. Well, half the street has been in prison at one point or another. The school set isn't available is flooded, so Brian takes over the community centre for all five children who've turned up. Jack finds out that his new friend is fake (Brian has made her sit next to him) and Kevin takes him home, to the disappointment of Brian's manipulative deputy head, Phil, who tells Brian that the club must be "outstanding". Later though, Jack has a visit from this week's special guest Greg, one of Gary's endless supply of army buddies, a.k.a. Cassidy Little, who now trains Paralympians, and who cheers Jack up with bad foot jokes and Star Wars impressions, and Jack agrees to go back to holiday club.

Ken's filthy story about a young hairdresser getting passionate with a pork butcher in the back of an Austin Princess has been published in the Gazette. Ken admits that it's all down to Claudia, although she doesn't confess that she got it all from that saucy mare Audrey, who, when she finds out, is not best pleased. In the meantime, Ken puts pressure on Sinead to 'fess up to Daniel, and when she refuses, he ends up telling all to Claudia. But after a pep-talk, Ken agrees to support Sinead without telling Daniel.

And in Henry news, Gemma reveals that he has married Cressida. But whither Hugo?

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. Brian is basically being bullied by the deputy head. Are we meant to forget that Brian himself used to be the principal?

  2. Accidentally? With respect, Jude did not accidentally knock Mary down. He punched her in the face. I kindly suggest you might wish to correct that sentence. Thanks!
