Tuesday 24 July 2018

Daniel Brocklebank Interview: Stop sticking your nose in, Billy!

Why does Shona ask Billy to keep an eye on David?
Shona and Billy are quite close and Billy will have counselling experience so Shona pushes him in the direction of looking after David.

Is Billy worried about David?
Yes, if Shona is worried about David then that’s enough to prompt Billy.

What happens when Billy follows David?
Billy is following David and there’s a car chase! David is chasing someone in a cab then Billy screeches out in his car and eventually he sees David parked up. Billy plonks himself in David’s car and asks him what is going on; he then tries to reason with him, reminding him he has a family and he persuades David to go home. But Billy just can’t resist sticking his nose in…

Why does Billy get himself involved?
Billy endlessly seems to do the wrong thing whilst trying to do the right thing. Potentially, Billy is getting a bit nosier the more he is in the show and he can’t resist getting involved. Ultimately he is trying to stop what happened to David to someone else so that is why he speaks to this chap who he thinks Josh is grooming. His intentions are good except he his basically doing what he has told David not to do!

Later there is a police call at Billy’s, what are his first thoughts when he hears what has happened to Josh?
When he discovers it is something to do with Josh, he feels terrible because he has caused it. Yes, he has stopped someone going through the trauma of what David went through but he has now actually managed to get someone beaten up so badly that they are near death.

What’s David and Shona’s reaction when Billy comes clean to them?
David is really annoyed because Billy has done the thing that he had told David not to do and calls him a hypocrite which is right actually however Gail is very much, ‘Good on you, Billy,’ because he has stopped him from hurting somebody else.

What will this do to Billy’s conscience?
Billy feels guilt towards Josh and his injuries but this could be a potential opportunity for Billy to maybe help Josh and rehabilitate him and find out why he has done the things that he has done to David and potentially stop it from happening again to someone else but going at it from a different angle.

Let’s talk about the car chase, how was that to film?
Never in my twenty five years of doing this for a living did I think I would be doing a car chase around the streets of Manchester dressed as a vicar, it was very exciting and we got to do all of our own driving which was really cool.

Had you ever filmed anything like that before?
I have driven before in TV shows and in films but I have never done a car crash before. We shut the streets of Manchester off and had proper wheel-spinning-screeching moments - it was brilliant!

Do you think David and Billy’s friendship is a one that can blossom? Do you like that partnership?
I love that partnership and I love Jack P Shepherd; he and I go for pints all the time and I think he is hilarious. In real life we are quite different and therefore our friendship is good fun so potentially Billy and David could be interesting to watch from an audience’s perspective probably for the same reasons because they are very different people too. Not only could there be a lot of drama there but there could be a huge amount of comedy.

What advice would you give to Billy?
Stop sticking your nose in! Billy, don’t be a hero!

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