Monday 16 July 2018

Corrie Comicals week ending 13 July 2018

Liz starts us off with her observations to Sean on the fiancee of the year - that'll be R'Tracy, who has moved in (or hanging about as Liz observes) and who keeps using Liz's best shampoo - next time Liz will rag her head off!  Who thought that poor hard up Liz could afford a best and a second best shampoo?

Re-employed in the Rovers Return Sean is busy finding his notch where he rests his elbow on the counter.  His notch is adjacent to Betty's nook and to Liz's cranny.  So now we all know where to find Liz's cranny, although I suspect Johnny does not need telling.

For those making programs which are shot some weeks ahead we have a classic problem.  The UK is enduring Mediterranean style weather - endless days of sunshine with high overnight temperatures.  So poor Sean is in Kirk's broken tent wrapped up to keep out the cold.  Although he probably filmed this before summer set in!

Audrey's clients are mysteriously cancelling and she catches up with Jude who claims he has to look after George for the afternoon and not revealing that he is heading to "A Cut Above" in Maria's flat  - her puntastic naming of working at home.  Audrey suggests that Jude brings George to the salon as Emma and George probably read the same books!  A neat line just slipped in by the writers!

Well we all knew Duncan was a wrong 'un - but to have his office in Cheetham Hill was just to much of a give away.  I am surprised we were not told this sooner!  Dead giveaway.

Carla deserves a smack on the wrist for playing with Peter's mind the way she did.  And when did bananas start costing 50p each?

Surely Maria does not have planning permission to cut hair in her flat and I bet the lease makes it clear that a business cannot be conducted on the premises.  Audrey ought to take advice from Adam.

You said it Eva (what did happen to Aidan's pink Range Rover?).  She is looking for mumsy clothes for the mediation hearing and Toyah suggests she goes and buys some shoes which look like pasties as part of her image change!

Which just about wraps it up for this week.  Holidays in the offing so not sure if I will be here for a few weeks.

Writers: Jan McVerry, Owen Lloyd-Fox (Monday), Ella Greenhill, Martin Allen (Tuesday), Julie Jones (Friday)
Directors: Abe Juckes (Monday), Gill Wilkinson (Tuesday & Friday)


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  1. Duncan shares premises with a law firm: Dewey, Cheetam and Howe! (Rim shot!) Enjoy your holidays.

  2. Eva could borrow clothes from Toyah if she needed to look like a granny.

  3. Really hope they're not doing the Peter and Carla thing again. Peter belongs with Leanne! It's all serious with Carla but he can have a laugh with Leanne.
