Friday 27 July 2018

Cold War Corrie

All images in this blog are © @Coldwar_Steve

So, there’s this Twitter account called ‘McFadden’s Cold War’ run by @Coldwar_Steve - a character who posts surreal photo montages of politicians, footballers, celebrities and Phil Mitchell - ALWAYS Phil Mitchell - against a backdrop of bleak British imagery. It’s very funny and his work is regarded by some as the perfect antidote to Brexit Britain and the rise of Trump.

Simply put, these images are great and the guy is a genius. Coldwar Steve has amassed over 74,000 Twitter followers and an army of famous fans, including the artist Grayson Perry. The Guardian recently profiled Steve’s work and it’s well worth a read here. Is it art? Is it satire? Is it crucial commentary on a world that’s in crisis? I don’t know... but I know that I like it.

Of course, with Coronation Street being such an intrinsic part of what it means to be British, Corrie has not escaped Coldwar Steve’s attention. I’m new to his stuff but it seems that Dev Alahan and Kevin Webster have been regular motifs from the start. Roy Cropper and Steve McDonald have also appeared, as have many other characters from our beloved Corrie.

I told my wife about McFadden’s Cold War and after showing her some of Coldwar Steve’s work, she agreed that you need to see it to get it... and that it is true brilliance. So, without further ado, see below my Top Ten Corrie related examples of Steve’s schtick. Great, aren’t they? My favourite is ‘Street party selfie’.

To be honest, the world is so mad nowadays and Corrie storylines are moving so far beyond the realms of possibility, that I wouldn’t be shocked if images such as these started appearing in the ITV previews. Frankly, life is bonkers and you’ve got to laugh or else you’d cry. Keep doing what you do, Coldwar Steve - the world needs you right now!

© @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
Excellent use of Peter Beardsley! © @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
© @Coldwar_Steve
Morrissey! This is my absolute favourite!!! © @Coldwar_Steve

By Martin Leay, on Twitter @mpleay

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