Tuesday 12 June 2018

Mollie Winnard interview: Kayla - a new love for Craig?

What are Kayla's first thoughts about Craig? 
Kayla wants to get to know Craig. She spies her opportunity and she can see there is more going on with him and Bethany but she is not put off by that. She wants to get Bethany out the picture so she can move in on Craig. 

What does she think is going on between Bethany and Craig?
When she first gave her number to Craig she could tell there is more going on than they care to admit because it’s obvious how close they are to each other but she doesn’t feel threatened. 

Bethany is quite encouraging when it comes to Craig and Kayla, isn’t she?
Yes but you can see she has a hidden agenda. She is trying to be happy because she is trying to do the right thing but it is obvious that she still likes Craig. She is putting her own feelings to one side because she cares about him and wants what is best for him. 

What happens when Kayla and Craig go on a date?
Kayla is more interested in Bethany than she is in Craig so that becomes apparent on the date. Craig is nervous and out of his comfort zone and the way that Kayla grills him puts him on edge. Kayla takes the hump with that but it’s gone exactly the way that Kayla has wanted it to go, she’s got it bang on. 

Kayla wants to get to know them both better, but this is when her jealousy over Bethany ramps up a notch. Tell us about the plan that Kayla comes up with.
Kayla plans to get closer to both of them and learn more about the relationship that they share because she knows there is more to it than meets the eye and the only way for her to do that is to be closer to Craig. By driving a wedge between the two of them, Kayla can then get information from Craig about their relationship and what is going on between the two of them. 

Kayla overhears Bethany say she’s worried how Craig will cope in the police force so Kayla tells Craig that Bethany reckons he won’t cope being a policeman because of his OCD. Do you think that is a manipulative thing that she does?
Well it is but Bethany technically did say it! Maybe not in the way that Kayla makes out, maybe she twists it a little bit but who doesn’t twist the truth every once in a while to suit them? Kayla does take it out of context and puts her own spin on it whereas Bethany was saying it out of concern and makes out to Craig that Bethany was having her doubts. It’s the beginning of the cracks in their friendship forming. Kayla wants Craig all to herself. 

How does Kayla feel when she sees that her plan is working?
She is very happy and it’s like with anything in life, when you see results it makes you want to do it more. So the fact that she is getting the results that she wants makes her feel like her plan is moving forward and she is only going to up the ante from here.

Where were you when you got the call to say you got the part?
I was at work. There was only me and another lad in the office and I just started crying. This lad is going, “What’s wrong?” and I was like, “Nothing, nothing, I can’t tell you what’s going on.” I went outside to ring my mum and she was in tears and I’m in tears and it was just a big cry-fest but they were good tears.

What’s it like working with Lucy Fallon and Colson Smith?
Lovely, when I got the part Lucy messaged me to congratulate me which I thought was lovely because it made me feel more relaxed about coming to work straight away. Colson is hilarious and everyone is so nice and welcoming. 

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