Monday 25 June 2018

Corrie Comicals Week Ending 22 June 2018

I suspect that the Corrie team know that they have a little gem with Isabella Flanagan who appears above as Hope Stape with her tongue out at Sean who has just called her and Ruby Dobbs "maggots".  (Ruby followed suit a few seconds later, sticking her tongue out). 

Alya is bemoaning the responsibilities which come with owning Underworld - but without taking a breath she asks Gary to fix a leak.  Except it is not immediate obvious she means it - which she soon corrects.

There was a nice brother and sister heart to heart tonight - oft forgotten as they rarely seem to meet until recently.  And a lovely line from Kirk as he has to work out the link from "Susie" "Connor" to Liam Connor.  If anyone can tell me just how they are related then please let me know!

Recently I have been celebrating the interaction of the three sisters in the Rovers (Toyah, Leanne and Eva).  However there are three new witches on the block and one of them appears to have aged significantly - so please find above the three new Connor witches - Stheno, Euryale and Medusa - the Gorgons of Greek mythology perhaps?  Is it me or does Kate seem to have aged about 10 years!  Johnny keeps refusing to tell Jenny until she walks into the Rovers and hears that what they are discussing is nothing to do with her (which holds for long enough for Carla to read the adoption papers and realises that Susie needs a mother!).

The writer on Wednesday seemed to have a dry cleaning affliction.  First Audrey was absent collecting her own dry cleaning.  Much later Alya sent her "PA" Sarah to collect her dry cleaning which she is seen bringing back into the factory with an extra hot coffee whilst sorting out an "appointment" on the phone with Mrs Carmichael, all at the same time as part of a devious ploy to convince the "team" not to pursue the unadvertised vacancy!

When being interviewed for a job it is a good idea to know the name of the likely employer - "Speed Deal", "Dial", "Doll" (he had just seen Bethany and was distracted).  He got the job.

Firstly despite the Co-op having opened it is good to see that Leanne still shops at Freschco.  Secondly she also demonstrates she knows how to bring Peter to heel by dumping the shopping and herself on his car bonnet so that he is forced to hear Toyah.

I have also decided to have a regular photo of "Extras at Work."

Between Gina and Beth are two regulars who throughout the scene as one member of the team after another declined an interview for the job of PA were eye rolling, shaking heads and exchanging unheard comments.  You were spotted working!

That wraps it up for this week.  Do let me know what you thought.

Writers: Ian Kershaw & Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Monday), David Isaac (Wednesday)and Mark Burt (Friday).
Directors: Alan Grint (Monday & Wednesday), Peter Rose (Friday).


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