Tuesday 19 June 2018

Coronation Street spoiler: Spies and sabotage at Underworld

The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and there’s some funny business going on at the knicker factory when Carla recruits someone to spy on Alya.

Beth is sorely tempted with Carla asks her to spy on Alya and in return she says she can have Aidan’s flat rent free. With the bribe under her belt, Beth sets about spying on Alya for Carla and changes the quantity on an order at Carla’s request.

Carla tells Johnny that she plans to inundate Alya with work till she can no longer cope then they can swoop in and take over.

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1 comment:

  1. So much for Johnny wanting to honor his late son's wishes,
    It's appalling that the Connors are more concerned about the factory then they are about Aidan's death or his daughter Susie who was kept from them by Toyah and Eva.
