Monday 25 June 2018

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 25th June

Heartbreak hasn't improved Toyah's dress sense any. Wearing the hideousest blouse this side of Bet Lynch's wardrobe circa 1974, she tells Leanne she's not giving up on Mr Barlow. She sets up a meeting with him, putatively to talk about buying his half of the pub, but in actuality arranges an intervention facilitated by her counsellor chum. TBH, once the counsellor chum found out that Toyah lied to Peter to get him there, she should have been outta there. Toyah brings up Peter's crimes: his weird relationship with Chloe, his assault on Billy and the suspected assault on Ken, and how she stood by him through all of that, but he still tells her it's over between them. That's gratitude for yer!

Ryan#3 is hungover, but this is no reason not to chat up Bethany in the caff. He spills a few beans (hopefully not on the floor; Alex'd have to mop them up) re: Kayla and her shady behaviour. At Speed Daal, he keeps an eye on her whilst she's talking to her mum, who's showed up at Kayla's workplace when her daughter didn't come home after staying the night at Craig's (separate beds). Mum-Marsha recognises Craig and asks her daughter what's going on, forcing Kayla to reveal her plan to help Nasty Neil win his appeal by exposing Bethany as a liar. Craig overhears the conversation - but only half of it and confesses that his dad is in prison too. I don't think Constable Craig is going to become Detective Inspector Tinker anytime soon, is he? Ryan finds Kayla's "Free Daddy" notebook by opening her locker (surely a Millennial would keep info on Evernote?) and shows it to Ms Platt just as Kayla and Craig catch them, and Ryan gets the sack. Maybe if Ryan's going to interfere with Kayla's evil plan then I may soften towards him.
Flora visits the funeral home to view Harvey/Vinnie's body. Flora says he looks "peaceful". Bloated, I would've thought. Daniel kills two birds with one stone, making sure, for Flora's sake, that Harvey's send off isn't empty and match-making the still bickering Kirk and Beth by inviting them to the all-you-can-drink lunchtime funeral. Flora finds out from Adam that Harvey has left her £250K in his will - um, shouldn't Flora give that money to the victims of the mill conversion scam? She lies to Daniel, saying that her inheritance is "a few pounds", but Adam reveals at the dinner table that Flora has enough to find herself, as Mrs McArdle puts it, "somewhere fancy" to live. Flora does know that a two up/two down in Salford costs more than a hundred guineas doesn't she?

Tracy has decided, at the age of 41, to fly the nest - straight into Steve's coop. Steve agrees as he is distracted by Abi's party chez Grimshaw, or rather the aftermath, which involves empty cans, spilled wine and fag ash on the carpet. He threatens to contact Eileen, but it turns out that Abi has some incriminating photos of old McDonald from her party, which is prime blackmail material, apparently (I'm not sure any of those pics are be X-rated, to be honest. Strictly PG-13 behaviour). Seb returns from Warrington, chews his mum out and Abi confesses that the reason she threw the party was because the social worker didn't deliver the twins after she saw a nice, tidy house, and that she's worried that her children won't want to be back with her.

Meanwhile, Mick from Brookside (he's been in it so little, I can't remember his character's name) invites Liz to his house in France. He sees her animated conversation with Johnny, who tries to use Mrs Mac to find out why Eva and Susie are at the doctors. Later, he sees her giving a long glance to Connor Snr in the Bistro and she admits that she has feelings for him. He kisses her goodbye and departs pour la belle France. Goodbye *checks Corriepedia* Mike, we hardly knew ye.

Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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  1. So after lying about their stillborn son and 'kidnapping' Aidan's daughter without his knowledge or the Connors who were mourning him after Aidan's suicide,Toyah thinks Peter 'owes' her?!
    Wow Toyah is a piece of work thinking that despite her lies and deception to Peter she's the 'victim' and has no remorse for what she's done to Peter the Connors ,the Barlows and Leanne.

  2. As ghoulish as it sounds, I had a similar thought about poor dead Harvey. Peaceful is not the adjective that springs to mind as I imagine his current state. First he’s shot in the head. Then submerged in water for months. And finally, encased in concrete. I’m surprised he’s not actually in bits, to be honest.
