Sunday 17 June 2018

Coronation Street episode review, Friday 15 June 2018

With the World Cup in full swing elsewhere we get a full hour in one go tonight.  We open on the Street with Johnny emerging from Liz's flat and spotted by Moira as he does so.  He returns home to Jenny and lies to her about where he has been - she has been up all night worrying.  Johnny tells her it is too late to apologise and adds he has nothing he wants to say to her.  At the medical centre Moira questions Liz about her visitor.  Liz admits that she comforted Johnny and passion took over!

Eva tells Peter and Toyah that she feels she should move away and get on with her life.  Eva asks Toyah if she can take Susie for a walk later in the morning.  Eva returns to Aidan's largely packed up flat to show it to Susie.  She sobs as she describes it and also talks about Aidan.  Kate finds Eva in the flat and wants to know how Eva has recovered the engagement ring.  Between sobs Eva says Aidan put it in an envelope and left it at the Rovers for her (after all Eva was in the "US", so could not have spoken to Aidan).  Kate merely wants to know "why"!

At the factory Alya is announcing her new position to the workforce.  Sinead is the first to offer her congratulations.  Alya reminds them that a job needs to be completed today as a very late Fiz bustles in having had to buy Hope some new trainers for school.  Alya tells her off and confirms that she is the new owner so get used to it.  The Underworld "team" reckon that completing the order will be a doddle, so are dancing.  A little later Fiz gets a phone call from the school and has to collect Hope as she was selling the new trainers to another girl.  As a result Alya sacks Fiz.  Alya then sits at Fiz's machine and starts sewing to help get the order out.  After giving it some thought Beth calls a strike and even Sinead departs telling Alya that she was wrong.  All of the "team" walk.

Abi pretends to be Eileen and tells the agent that the house is no longer up for rent, after all a murderer lived there.  Seb arrives and does not contradict her.  Abi reckons they could just tell Eileen no-one has made an offer and stay on for a while.  Seb tells her to leave before he gets back from work.  Later Abi finds Seb in the Rovers and reminds him that she needs to be able to demonstrate she has a proper home to have a chance of getting the twins back.  Number 11 would give them a chance with social services.  Seb wants her on best behaviour and Abi agrees.

Fiz summons Tyrone to explain about Hope and we find that he had bought her trainers at the weekend as well as the ones Fiz bought this morning!  Fiz also tells Ty she has been fired.  The two parents have a difficult session explaining to Hope that she is stealing from them (see her being told off above)!  She says she wanted to buy Ty a Father's Day Present!  Hope gets away with it again because she says she knows they have no money.  Once on their own Ty tells Fiz that he thinks she is doing very well and Fiz starts crying.  Fiz discovers that the "team" are on strike in the pub.  Ty tells her to join them and despite his workload will take the afternoon off - solidarity in action!

We find Toyah cuddling Susie and telling her some truths.  When Peter comes in to see his two favourite girls together, Toyah summons up all her courage and tells Peter that Susie is not "his" girl.  And she is not Jackie's girl either.  Toyah admits the baby is Eva's.  Toyah then explains the last few months to Peter - Jackie losing the baby, Eva's co-incidental pregnancy & her own failure to tell Peter is where we see Toyah in the picture above.  She admits that the baby who died was a boy.  Peter's face grows ever darker as Toyah's story continues of her deception.  Slowly Peter examines every single one of Toyah's lies.  Peter and Toyah argue and Peter calls Toyah's actions twisted.  Toyah cannot handle the lies any more so has had to tell the truth because of Aidan's death.  In an exquisite moment Peter lifts Susie out of the cot, gently kisses her, returns her to the cot and leaves.

Back in her flat Johnny tells Liz that he does not want to be with Jenny any more - he wants to be with Liz.  In the above picture he is telling Liz that he does not want to be married to Jenny any more.  Liz tells Johnny that he is confused and tells him that he needs to go - he is insistent he will tell Jenny that it is over and he kisses Liz again.  He returns home planning to tell Jenny his decision but Jenny tells him that she is going to given him some space - Mavis has suffered a fall and needs Rita's so Jenny is driving and will stay over.  Jenny asks Johnny to think about everything they have got whilst she is away; how much the marriage means and how sorry she is and how much she loves him.  She really does love him.  Johnny stays mute as she goes out - to the Rovers where she explains about Mavis and asks Carla and Liz to keep an eye on Johnny and particularly asks Liz to pass on that Jenny is not the worst woman in the world and that she does love him.  Liz agrees to try her best if she has time!

We see Eva in the back room of the Rovers as Toyah has just told Eva that Peter now knows everything!  She was not expecting that.  Toyah has seen the light and knows that Eva has to be the mother and insists Eva takes Susie.  Eva tries to refuse but accepts and thanks Toyah.  Eva goes in the bar with Susie and asks Leanne to go in the back where she is also told about the events of recent months.  She is pretty furious too!  Leanne sends Toyah to look for Peter.  Leanne lays it on the line to Eva that Susie has just not been considered in all of this.  Leanne asks what the Connors will do if Eva takes Susie away.  Leanne tells Eva that she had better stop lying and quick - adding that she will not be lying for Eva or Susie.

Carla, Adam and Fiz walk into Underworld where Alya is still gamely stitching.  Carla wants to address the ownership issue.  Alya sends her and Adam packing and then apologises to Fiz and admits to over reacting.  She wants the "team" to back her up.  A deal is done and the strike is off with a bonus to get the order out.

In the yard at the Rovers Johnny has been summoned by Liz who lays it on the line - Liz does not want Johnny breaking up with Jenny.  Johnny says he loves Liz and she responds that she loves him - as a friend.  She admits she was attracted to Johnny - last night only happened because Liz did not feel she could turn him down.  Johnny looks distinctly uncomfortable.  Liz loves him as a "friend" {although judging by her demeanour I think she is lying most comprehensively} - but Johnny reckons he has enough friends and walks away.

Sean has a date in the Bistro with Kim.  It goes well but Sean is unable to pay the bill as his salary has not turned up.  There may be another date - but Kim overheard Sean explaining to Michelle why he could not pay.  When Sean gets back to Fiz's she tells him he needs to find somewhere else to live as she wants to try and work things out with Ty and get the family back together.

Toyah finds Peter, sober, in the Memorial Garden.  Toyah admits she was with Jackie when the baby was still born.  Peter lost his child and Toyah never even told him.  Toyah repeats that she did all of this because she loves Peter and heard him at an AA session many moons ago where he was pinning his life on the unborn baby.  Peter turns it back on her - Toyah just wanted a child.  Her failure to tell him meant they could not deal with the grief at the right time.  Peter also recalls all of the stuff with Si blackmailing her.  Peter calls her a selfish bitch.  Peter adds that their baby is dead and so are we.  Peter cannot see a way they can move on together.  "Never" and walks away from her.

Written by Ellen Taylor and directed by Michael Lacey.


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