Tuesday 26 June 2018

Brooke Vincent interview: Sophie's guilt over Jack

How does Sophie first react when Jack says that he feels ill?
Sophie’s got a lot on her plate, Kevin’s away, she’s got a new job at Speed Dahl so when Jack says he feels ill it’s just another added pressure. She can’t really see anything wrong with Jack so she sends him to school. He does then get sent home and Sophie feels awful. She takes him to the doctors but they just put it down to a virus and tell her to make sure he gets some rest, so she asks Faye to keep any eye on him and goes back to work.

When does she realises it’s more serious than that?
Faye and Seb are looking after Jack when they find him groaning and really drowsy, as they carry him out of number 13 Ali sees them and tells them they need to get him to hospital.

How worried is Sophie at this point?
She is worried because Jack’s in her care but when the doctor confirms it’s a viral infection and she can take him home she feels relieved. Jack has been checked out at the hospital so in her eyes she’s done everything she can and she presumes it’s probably nothing more than a good night’s sleep won't fix.

So how does she react when Ali calls round and realises Jack’s illness could be much more serious?
Ali calls to check on Jack and it’s not till he notices some discolouration on Jack’s fingers and toes that they realise it could be more serious. Sophie’s in shock, Ali calls an ambulance and she doesn’t really know what’s going on, it all happens so quickly.

When Sepsis is mentioned how does Sophie react?
It’s not until they get to the hospital that Ali mentions sepsis, Sophie doesn’t really know what it is or what it means but she can see things are moving quickly and she’s terrified. They’re told the next 24 hours will be crucial and Sophie and Kevin are just left clinging to that.

Does she feel guilty that she missed something?
She blames herself for failing to realise the seriousness of Jack’s illness. She feels a mixture of guilt, shock and fear I think. It just seems to escalate so quickly and she’s lost with all the medical jargon, they just have to hope that’s Jack’s in the right hands now and he responds to the treatment. 

What next for Jack?
Jack’s sedated in intensive care and once sepsis is confirmed it becomes clear his life is in the balance. Sophie is just praying he pulls through so when they hear he isn’t responding to the antibiotics as well as they’d hoped, they’re devastated.

How does Kevin react?
Kevin’s trying to be strong, he won’t leave Jack’s bedside and they’re all just hoping for an improvement. Sophie’s devastated and she can’t shake the feeling that Kevin somehow blames her for what’s happened.

Does Sophie blame herself. Or the doctors who missed this?
Sophie’s emotions are all over the place. There’s guilt, fear, anger, blame all rolled into one. She’s trying to hold it all together to support Kevin and Jack but on the other hand she’s struggling not to lash out. It’s Rana that ends up on in the firing line. She asks how Jack is and Sophie just flies at her, all her emotions just come pouring put and when Rana tries to defend the medical centre Sophie slaps her. Her head is all over the place, it then pushes Sophie to go and see Adam and seek legal advice about suing the medical centre. 

Did you know anything about Sepsis before you played this storyline?
No I didn’t know about Sepsis, I didn’t know to the extent it can affect you if you have it. I think if you haven’t had any experience of the illness, it’s very confusing to know exactly what it is and how to spot it.

How important is this story to play?
For me it’s been an important story to play because if you or someone you know have never been affected by Sepsis then you wouldn’t necessarily know the ins and outs and the signs to look for. One of the massive perks of being in Corrie is it gives us the platform to tackle everyday struggles that different people face.

How has Kyran Bowes who plays Jack handled the role?
Kyran has been amazing! He’s so well behaved and so polite and he’s been so focussed throughout. Some scenes have taken a long time to film and he’s really done himself justice. 

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