Saturday 19 May 2018

Corrie Comicals week ending 18 May 2018

Monday night got off to a good start early on with Adam making it clear that he was not keen on sharing the flat with Flora who responded by saying "Oh I don't know, I think he is lovely" referring of course to Daniel and then telling Adam that he reminds her of her Harvey!  She further entertained us by constantly referring to Daniel's girlfriend as Chanelle whom she then accuses of trying to poison her with water from the tap!

Daniel drinks the water and then starts choking - certainly managing to alarm "Chanelle" before admitting he is having her on!

Whilst waiting for court (without Emma and her court shoes) Gail is worrying about the prison feeding David - she observes he is only slight and it "does not take long for his athletic frame to tip over into scrawny."

Beth thinks Sinead (or Chanelle) is exaggerating about how evil Flora is - after all she looks like a sweet old lady to Beth.  Later in the episode Flora makes it clear to Sinead that she knows about her flip flopping between Ches and Daniel and pushes the heating control up to the max - I am with Sinead!

OK it might not make you laugh - but I always like a good slap.  Zeedan and Alya have high and mighty religious principles about not sleeping with anyone before marriage, so when Zeedan suggested that Alya might have replaced Luke in her bed a little on the speedy side and was therefore implying she was a bit of a slapper she gave him a good slapping!  As we can see above!

Kate has just told this rough looking specimen that his table is missing him.  He does not get it - too subtle by far!

Sadly the best bit of the week is difficult to portray.  There was a group hug in StreetCars - Eileen, Steve and Tim which ended with Steve and Tim playfully gently swatting each other in an obviously carefully put together routine.  Worth watching for that alone.

I probably will not be here next week, but hope to be back in two weeks' time.


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1 comment:

  1. So why was it ok for Alya to slap Zeedan? If it had been the other way round there would have been outrage.
