Tuesday 20 March 2018

Sue Cleaver Interview: "Most challenging stuff I've ever done on Corrie!"

Eileen’s had her doubts about Phelan in recent months, how does she feel when she discovers that he was in fact behind the Calcutta Street flats scam?
After Anna was sent down Eileen put her doubts to one side and got back on course with Pat. She’s been supporting her husband and went back to the belief that everyone has got it in for him, as she does really love him. But when she finds out he did con everyone she’s furious. She was ready to go to the police until she realised that Todd was implicated as well. Phelan’s claiming he made a terrible mistake, she doesn’t want to be without her husband so they plan to move away. They go to look at a cottage that’s potentially for sale where they can talk and see if they do have a future together. She’s made the decision that she wants to stay with him but it’s not plain sailing.

Whilst at the cottage Phelan hires a boat then tries to head out on his own, despite this supposedly being a clear the air holiday, is Eileen starting to think things are a bit fishy?
They’re about to go on the boat then he turns round and says she’s crowding him and she’s just utterly confused, one minute he’s talking about a future together and then he’s saying he needs some space. She calls Liz then she decides she’s not giving up so easily so she takes herself to the boat with a picnic and says 'I don’t care if you want space, if this is going to work then we need to get on with it.'

When she drops the hamper and her car keys into the sea viewers will be thinking ‘you’re in trouble now Eileen’ but then we see the caring side of Phelan who stops as Eileen has hurt her foot, he could make his getaway but Eileen is hurt. Is his love for Eileen the chink in his armour?  
He wants to help get her a taxi before he disappears and that is his downfall in the end, the fact that he really does have genuine feelings for Eileen. She tells him to just leave her alone but then she gets a signal on her phone and hears a message from Tim telling her about the bodies at the mill and the fact she’s in danger. 

How does Eileen react to the news from Tim that the bodies have been found at the mill?
It comes as an absolute shock to Eileen, the fact that two bodies have been found and Phelan is behind the deaths is hard to take in, it rocks her world and she’s in a very vulnerable position because she’s on her own with him.

How scared of Phelan is Eileen at that point?
She’s absolutely terrified, she wants to get away from him.

Phelan snatches Eileen’s phone from her and she confronts him about everything, what happens next?
He turns on her, it’s back against the wall time and she realises what Phelan is truly capable of, he could kill her. There’s a tussle and it’s a fight for her life.

How was it feeling those episodes out on location in Whitehaven?
It was brutal, my face was actually grazed from the horizontal hail and sleet. I had two pairs of thermals, two jumpers, a pair of thick trousers and waterproofs, a padded fleece and two coats underneath my costume! It was like someone was just picking up bucket loads of sea water and throwing it in your face Tiswas style. On top of that they were very hardcore storylines emotionally, it was great and really satisfying, we had a fantastic team and everybody just worked so hard. The lighting is amazing, the stunt guys were incredible, it was a job well done, Dunkirk spirit.

Are these some of the most challenging episodes you’ve ever done?
It’s probably the most challenging stuff I’ve had on the street and the most exciting, I’ve loved it. 

Have you enjoyed working on the whole Phelan story?
It’s been fabulous as an actress and it’s been great to really get my teeth into something, the storylines have just kept coming and I’ve loved that aspect of it.

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  1. All I can say at the moment about Eileen is I don't feel anything for her; neither contempt nor sympathy. It might change after the big reveal. There's never been much chemistry between Eileen and Phelan and I keep thinking how much more electric it would have been between Liz and Phelan. I can't think why Phelan would come back if he was presumed dead after the cliff fall. Wouldn't he turn it to his advantage and try to skip the country? Perhaps he loses his memory but manages to get along fine, alone or with another woman. Until a few months down the line when his past catches up with him - a chance meeting? - and the saga starts again.

  2. Oooooouuuu Humpty, good plot thought! Very clever.

  3. Perhaps he will come back because of his grandchild? Then there will be a showdown between him and Nicola and potentially Eileen. Nicola has to have more to do with his demise than she has had so far.

  4. I can't stand Eileen...pity she can't leave at the same time as Phelan....she is certainly surplus to requirements now that both her sons are gone. Totally pointless.

  5. Anon, sadly I must agree. She could also take Jude, Angie, Rana and Kate with her!

  6. Jeanie: Agree with the anonymouses (anonymice?) above. All these dramatic scenes, especially with Phelan, just underline that the actress is not that good at this type of storyline. She's great with the sardonic quip and knocking her kids about the ear but in scenes that call for emotional range and subtlety she comes across as very wooden (eg. when she found out that Phelan was involved in the flats scam--the only emotion she could convey was petulance). Jude is also painfully, painfully wooden-probably the worst actor on the street. He was okay for a few days at Xmas as Mary's long-lost son but now I flinch every time he's on to intone a line.
