Friday 12 January 2018

Which Corrie ginger would you most like to kiss?

Today, January 12th is Kiss a Ginger Day.  It must be real, it's on twitter.

Our blogger Graeme, a red-head himself, wrote a blog post In Praise of Corrie's Red-Heads.   

So, which Coronation Street ginger would YOU must like to kiss?  For me, it would have to be the rather lovely Mikey North, who plays Gary Windass.  Mwah!

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  1. C in Canada:
    Sorry, none of them. Prince Harry for me all the way! lol

  2. Liam, Maria's little dog.

  3. I wouldn’t mind locking lips with our Gary. He is pretty adorable.

  4. I definitely wouldn't be that dope Chesney.
