Wednesday 10 January 2018

Weatherfield Gazette headline causes mayhem again

I remember the good old days. You know the ones. The days when a misprinted headline would appear in the Weatherfield Gazette and we'd blog it and have a giggle.  Well, those days are gone my friend, gone.

Many of us would have spotted the error in the headline in the Weatherfield Gazette recently on Coronation Street.  There should have been an apostrophe in New Year's Day and there wasn't.  But instead of blogging it, I just sighed and let this one go.  What's the point of complaining, I thought, it doesn't make any difference. It doesn't make things better.

But a bunch of journalists - I'm not sure what the collective noun is for journalists - are up in arms over the Corrie apostrophe omission. Up. In. Arms. And rightly so, of course.

Today, Hold The Front Page reports that journalists are urging ITV to do their research, as far as representing journalists on screen go.   The scene on Monday’s night’s episode which showed a press pack doorstep the Nazir's after Luke's death prompted reaction from journalists across the land, who took to social media to voice their criticism.  You can read some of the comments here.

And yes, the missing apostrophe was commented on too.

Northern Echo reporter Charlotte Bowe added: “A lot of things are far-fetched in soap land, but it would be nice if Coronation Street made a tiny effort to portray how journalists and media law actually works. Not to mention exclamation marks slapped all over The Weatherfield Gazette.”

It's not the first time (and I'm sure it won't be the last) that The Weatherfield Gazette headlines were wrong.

Have a look at some of their bloopers here.  Oh, and here.

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  1. Oh, my! If journalists are complaining about how they're portrayed I hope the police soon tears a strip off the writers too. If you don't want the law catching up to a character just don't involve them but having the police arresting half the street, all of them innocent, while never collaring the right culprit is both unrealistic and insulting. I hope that now that Craig is on the force the show will make more of an effort to be fair.

  2. Was I the only one to find Yasmeen's anti-violence speech utterly cringe-worthy? Phelan's slow hand clap sounded as though he was mocking her, although that wasn't the intention. Why not shout out: 'Hear, hear!' or just clap in the normal way? Embarrassing scene.

  3. UK journalists should see how awful the journalists in the USA are. Mistakes all over the place. I've often thought that journalists should be held to higher standards.

  4. I for one am glad that people complained. Whoever writes the episode previews has no idea about the difference between subjective/objective pronouns. A couple of years ago I wrote to FN about this, as I thought it was a blogspot error. She told me that these previews are totally written by the PR gurus at ITV, and that our beloved blogspot merely reprints them.
    I then wrote to ITV, who gave a generic replay saying that ITV rec'd my email. I know for a fact that other Corrie viewers have complained about this to ITV. Surely they can hire someone with a basic grasp of grammar to write their copy. These pronoun errors are constant, not a "one-off" written by someone in a hurry that day.

  5. Too bad we didn't see Norris with a felt pen, busily correcting the error on all of that day's newspapers.
