Thursday 11 January 2018

US newspaper wrongly reports Malcolm Hebden has died

The Florida Times has reported that Malcolm Hebden, who plays Norris Cole in Coronation Street, has died.

It's not true. 

He's very much, thankfully, still alive and well and this was confirmed last night by Sally Ann Matthews, who plays Jenny Bradley in the show.

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  1. C in Canada:

  2. They had a comments section at the bottom of the fake story which had 200+ comments.
    Probably 150 of the comments were people believing the story and paying respects.
    But then people started adding comments calling out the fake Florida Times as a fake newspaper and liars.

    They then removed the comments section, but have still left the vile fake story up there.

    However, ever other story on their website has a comments section, so you can use them to paste your thoughts on the vile hoax and tell them to remove it.

  3. Why would they leave it?? SMH...

  4. It's still there after 24 hours! Have they no shame?
