Monday 8 January 2018

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Mon 8 Jan

Monday 8th January 2018
GRIEF ROCKS KATE AND RANA Tipsy Kate and Sophie arrive home from a night on the town which ends up in a doorstep snog. Sophie’s thrilled but when Rosie unwittingly lets slip about the kiss to Rana she’s gutted. Saira and Hassan take Imran, Rana and Zeedan for lunch at the bistro where they raise a toast to Zeedan and his business venture.
LIFE REALLY BYTES FOR SEAN When Sean accidentally deletes all Jude’s files from his lap top, erasing all George’s baby photos, while trying to type up his CV, Jude and Angie are devastated.

Monday January 8th 2018
KATE STRUGGLES TO DO THE RIGHT THING In turmoil a tearful Kate approaches the Nazirs and tells them she’s leaving for Devon. Rana follows Kate out of the pub and begs her not to go but their farewell is cut short by the arrival of Sophie. Deeply upset, Kate tells Rana that she’s going to go and stay at Carla’s house to try and get her head together. The girls watch sadly as Kate’s taxi pulls away.
SEB BEGINS TO HAVE SUSPICIONS ABOUT PHELAN Having phoned his Mum, Seb tells Abi he wants them to move away and start afresh. But when Abi admits she failed at rehab, Seb orders her to leave. As Abi goes, she tells Seb she too would like to run away. Having caught the end of their conversation, Phelan watches Seb menacingly.
SEAN’S PRIDE GETS THE BETTER OF HIM Sean arrives at No.9 pulling his wheelie case and explains to Tyrone that Angie and Jude have thrown him out and Fiz has agreed that he can stay while she’s away. Sean assures Tyrone he’s going to take good care of him and his girls.

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  1. What authority would Angie and Jude have to throw Sean out of Norris's house?
    That twist is lame anyways. Even if you're so behind the times that your pictures aren't backed up to a cloud on one of many sites,unless you also empty the trash, deleted files are there waiting to be restored. Besides that baby is only a few months old wouldn't the few hundred pictures they've probably taken of him still be also on their devices?
    I'm sure Mary also must have everything they have and then some.

  2. Who the heck are Saira and Hassan?????

  3. Emily's Back in the Country....but we still don't see her..sigh8 January 2018 at 13:25

    I wondered the same thing...Who are Jude and Angie to kick Sean (a paying lodger)out of Norris' home. The worst storyline of last year..Jude, Angie and George..anything with them in it. Terrible boring characters.
    Such a shame that Corrie is all over the place, jumping from Storyline to storyline, no buildup, no investing in characters.

    Terrible writing as of late..can we slow down the pace and have just a semblance of normality. Can we just pop into the Rovers for a couple of quick ones instead of meeting in the Bistro for some expensive food that we can't afford.

    Corrie....I think I might be falling out of love with you...

  4. Totally agree, the whole "deleting everything accidentally" thing is ridiculously outdated and unbelievable. Only the completely computer illiterate would think it still relevant and possible. Even if Sean did go through several steps it takes to delete photos. Surely Angie, as an accountant(?), would religiously back up her systems. And as Maricha said, they're bound to have pictures on their other devices, unless these two thity-somethings haven't discovered camera phones, let alone smart phones.

  5. Yay! Kate leaving is great news.
