Friday 12 January 2018

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Fri 12 Jan

Friday January 12th
WEDDING BELLS RING FOR CHESNEY AND SINEAD Chesney’s a bag of nerves as he prepares to marry Sinead, while Carla implores Daniel to follow his heart and call a halt to the wedding. As Sinead climbs into the car she clocks Daniel across the street. They share an intense look which is witnessed by Chesney. As the wedding guests gather at the register office will Daniel make his move and can Sinead ignore the doubts in her heart and say I do?
ANNA CONFRONTS EILEEN WITH SOME HOME TRUTHS Eileen visits Anna in prison and asks her for her account of Seb’s accident. Will Eileen hear more than she bargained for? Meanwhile Phelan quizzes Abi over Seb’s whereabouts, Abi makes out she hasn’t seen him. Phelan slips her a wad of cash telling her it’s Seb’s wages and if she sees him to ask him to get in touch.
CRAIG’S PERTURBED BY BETHANY’S LIES Craig calls round for Bethany but he’s disappointed when she explains she won’t be attending the wedding as she has to help Audrey in the salon. Craig’s hurt when he finds out Bethany lied to him and isn’t expected in the salon today.
ELSEWHERE Simon successfully fleeces Leanne, Toyah and Eva for dinner money but will he be able to pull the same trick on Carla? When Henry calls at. No.5 for Gemma she clocks his look of disdain.

Friday January 12th 
EILEEN ACTS ON HER SUSPICIONS Anna assures Eileen that she never laid a finger on Seb and Phelan is trying to frame her. Eileen doesn’t know what to believe. Anna corners a prisoner who she knows as Abi’s friend Karen and asks her to try and find out where Seb is. Alone at No.11, Eileen nervously opens Phelan’s tool box, will her worst fears be confirmed?
IS GEMMA BEING TAKEN FOR A RIDE? Having had enough of Henry’s sarky comments about the wedding, Gemma tells him it’s over between them. Henry’s shocked and begs Gemma for a second chance, explaining how he’s fallen for her. Gemma’s  thrilled.
BETHANY’S HIDING SOMETHING, BUT WHAT IS IT? Craig finds Bethany in the cafĂ© with a girl called Sam. Bethany makes out she met Sam on a victim’s forum, agreed to meet up and that’s why she lied about having to work. Bethany and Sam discuss their secret jobs and hiding them from their families. ELSEWHERE Simon shows no remorse when confronted about his dinner money scam. Making sure no-one’s looking, Simon steals a few bottles of vodka from the bar and shoves them in his school bag.

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