Tuesday 23 January 2018

Coronation Street spoiler: Phelan causes fury at the funeral

The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street when Luke’s funeral takes. Luke’s sister Steph returns for the funeral and Steph is furious when she finds Phelan there.  She calls Phelan an evil liar and accuses him of blackmailing Andy into burning down the garage.

Gary’s also furious with Phelan when he finds out about Bethany’s new job and suggests they all go and watch her at the lapdancing club.  He goads Gary until he slams him against the wall, 

Meanwhile, Faye tells Tim that she wants to move away as she can’t bear seeing Phelan every day.  And so Tim tells Sally he is taking Faye away for a while. 

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  1. I was surprised to read in the preview that Tim takes Fay(e) to stay with his Dad. Maybe it's just me, but I don't ever remember Tim talking about his dad before. Rather convenient at the last moment.

  2. I wondered why would Eileen and Phelan go to Luke's funeral in the first place?Neither of them hardly knew him until Luke started asking Phelan questions about Andy.
    To me it seems another contrived ploy to drag the storyline along.
    Too bad that Eileen didn't hear Phelan's nasty remark about seeing Bethany perform,maybe then she would smarten up?

  3. Luke was Eileen's tenant, along with Kate and Alya.
