Saturday 13 January 2018

Bring Nancy Tinker back to Coronation Street

I loved her as Brookside's Doreen Corkhill and I'm loving her as Nancy Tinker on Coronation Street.

Actress Kate Fitzgerald is wonderful and it's time, I reckon, for the character of Nancy to return to the street on a permanent basis. 

So far Nancy has floated in and out of the show. Last night she appeared for the wedding of her granddaughter Sinead.  She first appeared in Corrie at the wedding of her daughter Beth to Kirk.

Nancy is wonderfully inappropriate, and as common as muck. In other words, she's perfect for Coronation Street and just what it needs right now.

I say bring her in full-time, Corrie please.

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  1. I agree, she's great. She isn't just comedy common; she's wise, as well. No flies on her, as they say. I could see Nancy taking Gemma in hand and becoming a surrogate grandma. Corrie is brilliant at providing older female mentors eg: Rita and Audrey. As always with OTT characters, Nancy would mellow and could join Rita and Audrey to create The Three Wise Women of Weatherfield

    1. I thought Rita was Gemma's surrogate grandma?

  2. Bonnie in Canada:

    Please no!!! Beth and Gemma are enough gob for one street, surely!

  3. Kate Fitzgerald is quite frankly OUTSTANDING as Nancy, more of that please Corrie
