Monday 11 December 2017

Winners announced in our Jacqueline Chadwick novel competition

Ex-Coronation Street actor Jacqueline Chadwick, who played Linda Baldin, is now living in Canada, miles away from Weatherfield and has turned her hand to crime-writing.

She now has her second crime novel published and there's a third in the pipeline too.  You can read our interview with Jacqueline here when she published her first novel.

The second book is called Briefly Maiden and we can annouce that two lucky Coronation Street Blog readers have each one one of Jacqueline's new books in our most recent competition we held here on our website.

Two winners were chosen at random from all of the correct entries received and (drum roll, please!) books will be on their way very soon, direct from the publisher Fahrenheit Press to Susan Swanson and David Hay.

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