Thursday 7 December 2017

WARNING: Christmas Approaching

I have read with despair some of the upcoming storylines as we approach Christmas on Coronation Street. Some are speculation but others have been confirmed. They will be gripping, well written episodes I’m sure, but I’m struggling to get into the Christmas spirit as it is, and what with all the death and heartbreak we are told to expect, it might take me a while longer!

We've had this kind of media coverage to come to terms with over the Autumn:

It would appear the winter season is set to be a dark and dangerous one for our Weatherfield favourites, let’s hope happier times follow.

I’ve always loved Christmas on Corrie. Songs around the bar of the rovers, the twinkling Christmas trees in every house, sometimes we are even treated to snow and a nativity miracle. But there’s always something to go and spoil it. A tram crash here, a murder there. Why can’t it be a happy time, just for a few weeks? In the fantasy world I live in, this is what Christmas on the cobbles looks like. Enjoy my two minutes of Corrie-Christmas-ness with all the sad bits taken out: 

Enjoy the festive season, and Happy 10th Birthday Coronation Street Blog!


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  1. Heavens above! Surely a lightness of touch wouldn't go amiss, at least over Christmas. We have so much heaviness in every day life with most things in the world feeling threatening and what are we good at? Rising above it, having a joke, a laugh, turning situations on their head. Or are we? Is this a defunct myth? Can I think of a character who is having a happy and peaceful time? No, I can't. We've been fed a diet of murder, betrayal, self harm, lies, false accusations, abuse, serious health issues, trouble making,love triangles, shall I go on....The moments of lightness have mostly been contrived and pathetic. Although one character that springs to mind is Tracy, who has brought some funny lines into the pot of doom and gloom. My promise to myself is that in the New Year, if there is no suggestion of improvement, I shall withdraw. It may be difficult, but who wants to watch misery as entertainment. I can see it on my doorstep, thank you very much.

  2. Jeanine in Atlanta......
    Wonderful, absolutely wonderful - from now until New Year's I'm going to keep track of this video and play it over and over again to try & erase all the misery that we are presently seeing on the street. I always thought watching tv was entertainment and escapism, well given the state of the street today I need escapism from the street. So Sad.

  3. Sorry, I was so busy moaning on here at breakfast time that I missed your wonderful video. Thank you, Steve!

  4. Perfect! Thanks for such a well done reminder of the reasons l have watched Corrie for so long. Of late, l have been having trouble remembering!!

  5. Thanks, Stevie! Wonderful memories. Even when Hayley was dying of cancer, there was Christmas magic on the Street.

    I don't see how there can be magic in some of the sour faces we see these days.
