Tuesday 5 December 2017

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, Dec 11 - 15

Here are the major storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Monday 11 December to Friday 15 December 2017

Chesney proposes and ends up in a punch-up, Craig asks Bethany on a date, Rana's brother arrives in Weatherfield, there's a break-in at the Bistro and Anna does a runner but can she escape Phelan?

See the full week's preview with lots of pictures at Corrie.net

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  1. Male rape spoiler for David Platt in 2018. Jack P Shepherd will take this storyline to the stratosphere of emotion!

  2. Kevin is a real prince,NOT!Once he's spent Anna's money from David on himself and the garage[I doubt he'll pay it back],he has an affair with Erica and now dumps Anna when she needs him most!
    If it was Sally who was in the same dire situation that Anna is in,I bet Kevin would have been by her side[next to Tim]and support her no matter what.
    Sinead really needs to make her mind up between Daniel and Chesney before one of them gets killed!

  3. Explosive for 2018: State determines this is the most dysfunctional street in UK, all children are wards of the state and fostered out. Most all adults sent to prison, psych wards or rehab facilities. Street fumigated and razed as lead piping and asbestos has been blamed for the high number of insanity and lack of sense.

  4. Why is Chesney proposing? I thought Sinead proposed to him before he left for Portugal to pick up Joseph? To be perfectly frank, I not bothered I don't care for Chesney (don't think the actor who portrays him is any good).

  5. What would be the insurance rates for homes, cars, businesses on the Street with break-ins, fires, accidents? I'd hate to have to pay those premiums.
