Wednesday 6 December 2017

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Weds 6 Dec

Phelan formulates a plan to put him Luke off the scent of finding Andy. He first sends Luke on a wild goose chase to an address in Birmingham. Luke is then surprised when Andy’s mate Matt tells him that Andy is backpacking round Belize.

Norris finds a box of dressing up costumes in the Kabin and emerges dressed as batman and carrying a ‘Grandfathers for Justice’ banner. The residents are stunned as he climbs the steps to the factory roof gantry and stages a protest.

Santa wars break out at the community centre when Roy’s Pelznickel costumes fails to impress and Brian turns up dressed as a traditional Santa.

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  1. Young people don't go round knocking on doors to find mates. They use social media: facebook, snapchat, instagram which can be used in many countries - definitely England. Couples who split up do still use social media. As far as Luke knows, Andy has nothing to hide so major alarm bells should go off immediately when he can't find Andy's profile. Of course, a great storyline would be for Phelan to set up fake sites in Andy's name.

  2. I don't remember Andy having any 'mates'and after all the money he returned to his victims,how can Phelan afford to buy a friend for Andy?
    The Phelan Show has gone long enough,when will he be found out?!

  3. Some really atrocious storylines last night....the whole Tracey locking Angie up thing, ridiculous........Roy Cropper and the pumpernickel thing, what a load of rubbish, the actor must be so embarrassed......Angie suddenly forgetting that Tracey had locked her up, what's that about? ....Norris dressing up like that, it's a wonder more actors aren't leaving in droves. And how thick is Luke? I despair, I really do.
