Tuesday 5 December 2017

Love Letter to Coronation Street's Moira

Guest blog post from Tommy Cowell.  
Follow him on twitter and have a look at his website.
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When Steve McDonald sold the pub to Peter Barlow earlier this year, I thought it’d be interesting to witness how Peter would juggle his personal demons and a business that offers him a direct line to temptation. I really thought that’d be the storyline with the most potential.  In a way; it was almost predictable. 

When Liz left the Rovers and began working at the medical centre - suddenly, out of nowhere - the best storyline of the year was born. It’s not a headline story that’ll reach the covers of soap magazines, or even win any awards (unless it’s a comedy award) but it’s a storyline that’s fundamental to the DNA of the show. 

It’s the storyline of Liz and her nightmare boss from hell, Moira. 

I adore Moira. She’s every working person’s nightmare; having to survive a thirty-five hour week with this beast of a boss would break anyone. Liz McDonald, however, is not just anybody; we’ve seen her go through it all… heartbreak, loss and even Tracy Barlow.  Moira tested Liz more than any of these. Liz, without her position at the Rovers, was no longer the Queen B… so to have a juggernaut like Moira pecking at her in every scene they shared was properly cringe-worthy viewing – in the best way. 

Firstly, let me compliment the fabulous Beverly Callard. Her quiet frustration and subtle facial reactions towards Moira’s behaviour felt nuanced and real. You felt sorry for the woman; but couldn’t help laughing at the comedy of her situation. You could tell Liz just wanted to pounce on her boss in the good old fashion Corrie street-fight kind of way, but she couldn’t. This was Liz holding back and it was fascinating to watch. 

Secondly, I want to praise the writers and storyliners. Moira was like a gift to them. Seeing how the team developed the two women’s relationship (from colleagues to flatmates and Moira and Steve’s potential romance). The raising of the comedy stakes really harkened back to the glory days of 1980s Corrie, currently being repeated on ITV 3. These two versions of the Street; the 1980s and the 2010s, sit comfortably together in the schedules as the same show. 

And finally, to the great actress herself, Louiza Patikas. She only appeared in thirty episodes but she really made a lasting mark. Her character was the Ying to Liz’s Yang and it made for great viewing: it’s not many female characters who can topple Liz as the dominant force in a scene, but Moira managed to do just that.    

On November 23rd, I was absolutely devastated when she sailed off into the sunset with boring old Colin. She deserved so much more than that. I want her back on the cobbles; causing trouble, infecting Liz’s life in new and intrusive ways. 

Leave Colin in Stoke-on-Trent and bring back the glorious Moira. 

Guest blog post from Tommy Cowell.  
Follow him on twitter and have a look at his website.
Would you like to write a guest blog post? Details here.

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  1. Jeanie (anon)

    Great post! Although I know some people had complaints about Moira, I liked her too--particularly her and Liz together. Gave Liz something different to do then pull pints in the Rovers, and it would have been nice to see how Liz's free-spirited character could have softened and transformed the uptight Moira. In the same way that Rita bolstered up the dithering, timid Mavis. Moira also worked so well with Dr. Gaddas--the scenes where the doctor was so obviously frightened of her domineering office manager were well done and that relationship too had a lot of potential. As the blogger says--potential for funny, everyday character interactions and tensions.

    But then it was all just flushed down the toilet in favour of more steamy lesbian affairs, gorgeous female stars half-undressed, a male rape, and all the other promised goodies. Hurray! And Moira had a personality transplant into a frivolous, lecherous bimbo who couldn't tear her clothes off fast enough (ha ha so funny) and was then packed off with the idiotic Colin. Why did they bother in the first place?

  2. Yes, she was annoying as 'eck, but she did give us a giggle, especially with Liz and Steve's living arrangements (giving Steve cous cous to eat LOL!!).
    Even so, she seemed to fit right in with all her eccentricities, and he oblivious way of looking at things.
    I didn't like her at first, but she grew on me. We just saw her exit last night here in Canada, and although I won't miss Colin, I found myself rather disappointed that Moira was leaving too.

    Hopefully things don't work out with Colin and she lands back on the street.

  3. Moira could have been OK. Her lack of self awareness during Dev and Gina's set-up between her and Steve was quite funny. But then they paired this OTT character with a mega OTT character and the whole thing strayed into bad sitcom territory. I've no doubt Louiza Patikas and Jim Moir had a whale of a time during their storyline: shame not many of the audience did. I don't think Moira and Liz worked well as a double-act in the medical centre, mainly because Liz was completely wrong (and not funny) in that setting. There could be a lesson here for writers to carefully think through what they want to do with new characters but it's not going to happen. With the pressure of filling so many episodes, they'll throw a million storylines up in the air and those that fall safely will be the one that are used.

  4. I could not disagree more. I found her character so annoying and written so badly, that there was no comic relief for me. When she moved into Steve and Liz's place, that was it. The real Liz would have never stood for that.
    I say good riddance to Moora.

  5. I thought she was terrible. The overacting and the attempts at being funny were just cringeworthy.

  6. Zagg and Anon 18.01 could not agree more! I couldn't stand the woman and I thought Colin was a jerk. Glad to see the back of them!

  7. The first comment noted that Moira dominated Dr. Gaddas, however the Dr. seemed quite in charge when she said I am going to have to fire you. Everyone gets a transplant lately.

  8. Nice to see some Moira love on here! I'm missing her already - the boss from hell, and totally oblivious to the fact no one liked her - hilarious! I hope the Corrie production team are reading - Bring Back Moira!

  9. If she's gone off to have full-time acting lessons with double comedy timing on a Friday afternoon then maybe she can come back, otherwise NO! The idea for the character was ok, but under this particular actresses stewardship she was lame at best.
