Sunday 3 December 2017

Corrie Weekly Awards for Nov. 27 - Dec. 1

Inspector Clouseau award: Gemma has made a poster for the shop windows to try to find Henry!

Blast from the past: The bistro still has enough olives to cater 100 Greek funerals!

Cone of Silence award: Really? You're going to have a conversation in a cafe about your mother being raped?

Shades of Grey: Gary told Faye the truth about Phelan and Anna's history but Faye twisted it all around and now she's even more against her mother.

Fashionista award: I loved Rita's red coat!!!

Guardian Angel Award: Billy seems to be taking on that role for the Barlow family, hoping to bring them together with the Christmas Spirit. He has no idea, does he?

Lines of the week:
Mary to Jude "You're a traveler, a free spirit. You're idea of 'not far' might be Belgium"
Jude to Mary "Stop being such a drama queen. That's Norris's job!"
Tracy "Kirk! You're a genius! And that is a sentence I never thought I'd hear myself say"
Tracy "I'd hate being a zombie. Too much walking" Mary "You'd be eating brains and you're worried about too much walking?"
David to Shona "I'm the comedy genius in this relationship so could you please keep your funnies down to a minimum now that we're living together"
Ken about his family "Put them in a room together, forget about mince pies. It's more like Game of Thrones"
Rita about Gemma "The nearest she's got to Chelsea is that bun"

Todd about the Barlows "Strange. It almost looks like they don't want to kill each other"

Tvor (Twitter @tvordlj)

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