Wednesday 6 December 2017

Coronation Street: Leanne's return storyline revealed

Over the last few weeks I've found myself wondering where Leanne's been, have you?  Was her absence explained and mentioned and did I miss it?

Well, she's coming back next week. And the ITV previews reveal where she's been and what's going to happen to her next.

We'll see Leanne again on Friday 15 December when she "returns from France", so she must have been away to see her mum Stella in Paris, perhaps?  

However, Leanne's got news for Eva when she returns and it's news that Eva's not keen to hear. Leanne announces that she's going to move out of the flat and look for a flat of her own.

You can read all of next week's storylines here.

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  1. I thought there was some passing mention of her visiting Stella? Remember shortly after Eva came back...or am I confusing another story?????

  2. Leanne having her own space allows more options. I wonder if they're going to try the Leanne and Steve scenario again. Many fans liked the idea and that seems to be the way it's going at Corrie ie: try it and see if it works. Here's hoping that when Steve and Tracy split up - which they inevitably will - Steve will seek comfort with Leanne and their son.

  3. More to the point where has Eva been?

  4. It's got so stupid the last few years I can't completely stop watching, I have watched for 20 years but now it's not a priority when before I could never miss.They are totally losing the loyal viewers. Too bad.

  5. Leanne Battersby, as if we are to believe that ALL the males on Corrie fall in love with her. She is an arsonist who swindled the insurance company. Also Michelle Connor robbing the Bistro AND THE INSURANCE COMPANY DIDN'T FIND OUT!
    Can someone tell Leanne she is NOT Simon's mother, Lucy is.
