Monday 4 December 2017

Coronation Street Episode Review Monday 4th December

It's the season of goodwill, but not for, well, anyone on the street. Firstly, the chief executive of a Ukrainian oil company, the one that Gary was guarding, has been blown up in his car. There are no survivors but they don't know if Gary was amongst the dead. Audrey suggests ringing the foreign office, although given the Foreign Secretary's recent gaffe, I can't see how that would help. David does get through to them though and they admit that a St Christopher, like the one Sarah gave to Gary, was found amongst the wreckage.

David is suspicious of Pat's emotional response to the news of Gary's potential death and follows him to Nicola's house. Instead of Phelan's intended result of the news bringing dad and daughter back together, Nicola blames Phelan as Gary wouldn't have gone back to Ukraine if he hadn't been trying to earn money for Nicola and the baby to leave the area. Nicola tells him to slink his hook, but it's all been witnessed by detective David who demands to know the truth. Nicola admits that they slept together but nothing about the baby, until she drops her bag and he spies the pregnancy vitamins. David is not best pleased, and after insulting Gary, Nicola, and the unborn baby, stomps off home to comfort his sister, whom he decides not to tell - for now.

Secondly, Kate is upset with Rana for not having told Zeedan about their forbidden love. She does tell him something though, that she wants to go ahead with the cafe, and then tells Luke that she is pregnant and she'll tell Kate that it's over. Luke spills the beans to Kate, who finds out from Rana that it was all a lie. I think there's a saying about webs and weaving and deceit, is there not?

Thirdly, Luke is annoyed with the above, but also about the amount of post that's still arriving for Andy. He gets in contact with Matt, Andy's friend who divulges to Luke that Andy never turned up in Bristol and he hasn't heard from him. He asks Phelan, who says that Andy is now in Brum. He promises to send Andy's mail on, but instead puts the letters in a drawer - along with Nicola's photo.

And fourthly, Mary is upset that she's accused of baby-harm and also that she's fallen out with Norris. She won't even stay in the shop when a child comes in. Tracy, showing a bit of common sense for once, tells Mary to stay away from George, then if/when he gets ill again, Jude and Angie (Jangie) will realise that she can't be the one affecting lickle George's health. Norris breaks through Mary's pique and tells her that Jangie are going back to South Africa - for good this time. Yeah, right! Tracy does her good deed for the day year and steals the Appleton passports so that they can't travel. Why not go the whole hog and get them put on the No Fly list?

Finally, Roy is acting the Christmas grinch and decides he's going to spend Christmas Day "in nature". I don't think the residents are going to let that happen are they? First up is Yasmeen who wants "Kipling-esque hero" Roy to be the community centre grotto Santa, much to Brian's chagrin. Roy decides he's going to be Pelznickel instead. I do hope there's going to be a battle of the Santas - although my money would be on Eva, every time.

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  1. I must just get this off my chest - and it probably won't be popular with Mary's fans - but the actress who plays Mary needs to take some acting lessons on how to act "crying". She is dreadful at it.

  2. I'm disapoointed that there is no mention of anyone telling Izzy,the mother of Gary's son Jake that he is dead.
    Instead it's all about Sarah and Nicola[who had a drunken one night stand with Gary]who of course is told by her father as Phelan has to be in every scene in every episode.
    I hope in future episodes that someone does take the time to break the sad news to Izzy so she can explain to Jake why Daddy's not coming home.

  3. I'm beginning to find David really annoying. He always has that same smug smirk on his face, plus sometimes I can't understand what he's mumbling. I haven't a clue what he said in the cafe even though I watched it back 3 times.

  4. Don't worry Anon 16:37, he'll be back by Christmas :-)

  5. Anon 16:37 - I seem to recall that the matriarchs, Audrah and Gail, decided to keep it from Izzy and little Jake until they get more solid proof that it is Gary, despite the St. Christopher medal found.

    Gosh, the Kate / Rana / Alya / Luke / Zeedan grouping is sometimes hard to keep track of, in terms of who told who what and who knows what about the other. Seems a ridiculous apartment share arrangement to begin with. I can't keep track of who lives where most of the time. Hard to care what happens when most of the effort seems to go into hair and make-up. Corrie just can't seem to get lesbian couples right. It's always got to be a disaster.

    Come to think of it, when was the last time we had a straight couple stay happy for more than 5 minutes?

  6. Sally and Tim seem to be making a go of it.

  7. Shhhh Laura, don’t say it too loudly or the writers will take notice and do something to break them up!
