Saturday 2 December 2017

Colson Smith interview: Romance for Bethany and Craig

This time of year, the previews come in thick and fast before Christmas and the story of Craig and Bethany's date will be shown the week of December 11th.  You can find out more about it here.

How is Craig and Bethany’s relationship prior to this week?
Craig is very fond of Bethany and he has been for a long while. They got stronger throughout the storyline with Neil and Nathan so Craig feels quite a responsibility to her  and it has developed into a crush. Now it’s got to the point where his emotions are spiralling out of control and he has to do something to win Bethany over before it’s too late.

Is he nervous about making a move?
After everything that’s happened to Bethany he’s quite reserved and he doesn’t want to be too full on with her in case it puts her off.  He cares about Bethany a friend as well as a crush.

Does he worry that if he makes a move and it goes wrong that their friendship will be ruined?
Craig has always been a shy person around people and he’s never really gone at something but it gets to the stage with his feelings that he can’t be awkward anymore and he’s just got to go full leather so he does when he plucks up the courage.

What happens when Bethany approaches Craig and asks him to come round for pizza?
Craig is really scared but he wants to impress her so he gets his best shirt out, gets his hair done and sprays loads of aftershave to impress Bethany and to win her over.

How does Craig feel when he’s knocking on the door of No. 8?
He’s really nervous but he’s got it in his head that this is the right time to tell Bethany. He’s had a pep talk from Beth who told him it was now or never so he’s ready, he’s plucked up the courage. He knocks on the door and thinks that it’s the right time to tell Bethany about his feelings.

What are his thoughts when he’s telling Bethany how he feels?
He puts on a brave front. Obviously he’s awkward already and it’s not the easiest conversation to have for anyone but for Craig it it is even more difficult. But he goes for it and asks her the question...

Do you think that Craig and Bethany are a good match?
Yeah, Craig has looked after Bethany and he’s always been there for her. She hasn’t been very nice to him at times but he’s overlooked that because he’s so mad and crazy for her. Craig would be a good boyfriend to Bethany but I am not sure how Bethany would be to Craig.

What is it about Bethany that Craig likes so much?
They have a good friendship and they are similar ages. They’ve supported each other and have a lot of laughs together.

What do you think the viewers’ reactions will be?
I think the viewers would be really happy if Craig and Bethany got together. It’s been a thing that people have been asking for and it’s two characters that work well together so people enjoy seeing them together on screen. People have sent messages to Lucy and I saying that they want Craig and Bethany to get together.

What is the best thing about working with Lucy Fallon?
We have a laugh together and we get along. We’re probably the only two that are this age in the cast so we have always been close. We’ve had a lot of scenes together in quite a short period of time so it’s great to work with her.

What advice would you give to Craig?
Don’t mess it up!

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